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Eriks P.O.V

"Caleb, what is going on?" The guy that walked out of the trees was still lingering in the dark shadows. I could tell he was very muscular, tall, about 6 ft 2, and had short hair that rode his hair line.

Caleb didn't respond right away, but when he did, I knew it was a mistake coming here.

"Tomorrow is my last day in town. I'm moving in with my boyfriend." He glanced towards the guy. "I've been in love with him since high school and it turns out he's gay. What a funny coincidence right?" they both chuckled at the last bit.

"Anyway I thought someone should know why I was leaving and I didn't want to tell your brother. Could you not tell him, please?"

How dare he ask this of me! This wasn't right! "How dare you!" I spate. "Who the hell do you think you are coming into our lives and making Daniel fall for you and then just leaving as if nothing had ever happened?"

"Erik, I'm-"

"No, save your petty excuses. Daniel had a great life before you showed up. He knew what he was doing in life, even if he wasn't happen with it, he knew. Then you come along and make him realize he's gay, make him fall in love with you and now you're just going to fucking leave like that? Just because some high school crush happens to be gay?"

"Look Erik, it's more than that, I love-." I cut him off.

"No, fuck off Caleb and don't come around my brother again!"

I walked to my car and got in. I punched the steering wheel a couple of times. How the Fuck could he do this to Daniel. Sure I was mad at him but he didn't deserve this. "Fuck!" I screamed hitting the wheel again.

I could see Caleb and his "boyfriend" through my windshield. The muscular guy just stood there and held Caleb, rubbing his back in reassurance. That just pissed me off even more. 

I left my keys in the ignition so I turned them to start it up. I didn't even bother putting my seat belt on. I was just so pissed! Daniel is my best friend, I just don't understand how this could happen to him. He's a great person. The more I thought about it the more pissed off I got.

I honestly wanted to get out and just beat the shit out of him. In just the couple of days he's been around my brother, he looked like he was for the most part happy. Him and Daniel seemed to really hit it off. I could see that there was something between them. That's why I couldn't believe this was happening.

I sped out of the parking lot, I'm sure leaving tire marks on the road. I just didn't even care, I was so angry. I drove by my house, it was still pitch black, so Daniel was still asleep.

I decided not to go straight home. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care. I just drove. I was so lost in my thoughts that I really didn't know where I was. I was out in the middle of no where, with only a couple of diesels and a few cars around me. I looked at the time, it was 12:48am.

I pulled over to the side of the road to get out my phone to check my GPS. It had fallen under the passenger seat when I sped away from the park. I leaned down to try and reach it when I heard a loud screech. By the time I pulled my head up it was too late. There was a diesel headed my way from behind, only a foot away. I tried to open my door but it was too late...


1:21am, my car dash read, and that was the last thing I remember...

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