Gay Boy Time

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Daniel's P.O.V

I woke up still in Calebs arms. He held onto me tight, so tight that I couldn't move without waking him up. I grabbed his arm and tried to release his grip on me; he just wasn't letting that happen.

I really had to take a piss so I had to get his arm off of me. "Caleb!" I shouted into his ear.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he shouts sitting up in bed.

"I have to take a piss and you wouldn't let me go." I explain to the still half asleep Caleb.

"Oh. I'm sorry." He pouts.

"I'm sorry too." I say getting off the bed and walking towards the conjoining bathroom.

I don't even bother shutting the door, I just pull my friend out through the hole in my boxers. I peed for what felt like hours. I gave it a quick wiggle and tucked it away in my boxers again.

I walked back into the bedroom and threw myself onto the bed next to Caleb, who was again, laying down. "You know, if you don't get up right now, you sir are going to be late."

He lifted his head up and said, "Call in sick for me?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Are you serious?" I ask.

He nods and let's his head fall back into his pillow. Well he wasn't getting out of bed, so I had to do something.

I walked to the kitchen, got some ice cubes out of the freezer and put them into a cup full of cold water. I went back into the room and dumped it on his head.

"I am going to fucking kill you!" he screams jumping out of the bed and tackling me to the floor.

He kisses my lips softly and I kiss him back. He finally gets off of me and goes into the closet to get some clean, dry clothes. He hurried to put them on as well as his shoes.

He grabs his keys and his phone and heads out the door, but not without giving me a quick kiss again.

Our kiss last for awhile but i finally pull away from him. "Get to work before you lose your job. I'll see your cute butt later." I smack his butt when he turns away.

He giggled his cute soft giggle and goes to his truck and leaves. He really was the cutest thing ever. I shut the front door and went back to the kitchen to get something to eat.

It took me awhile but I noticed that neither Randy or Erik were up yet. I stopped what I was doing and made my way to their, well Randy's room. I didn't bother knocking because there was nothing going on behind the door that I hadn't seen before.

To my surprise, nothing was going on behind this closed door, except Randy and Erik were intertwined together. They were actually really cute like that.

I could see Randy move and pull Erik closer to him. I really hoped that this would work out between them. Erik deserved this to work.

I shut the door and continued my breakfast mess in the kitchen. I made eggs, bacon, potatoes and pancakes. I made enough for Randy and Erik as wel, that is if they ever got out of bed.

I set the table all up and sat down to eat my food when i heard a door open and shut. Must be Erik and Randy, I thought to myself. And sure enough it was.

They came walking into the kitchen all groggy, looking like attractive zombies, really attractive zombies.

"Well good morning sleepy heads." I greet them in a really cheerful tone.

Erik gave me the finger and walked to the chair opposite of me. Randy walked to the fridge and pulled the milk out. He walked to the cabinet and pulled out a cup.

Then he sat down at the table and poured him some milk. I slid my glass over to him, hinting that I wanted him to pour me some. He got the hint and poured it into my cup.

"I made you two breakfast." I smiled big. "Dig in, I know how you two like this shit."

Neither of them made an effort to go for the food I had set up on the table. Well if they weren't going to eat, I sure as hell was.

I started piling food onto my plate. I assumed they were more awake and alert because they gave me some dirty looks. Well they just wanted to sit there being all dumb, of course I wasn't going to let this good ass good go to waste.

"Are you two going to eat or not?"I asked staring back at them.

They looked at each other. "Yeah." They answered at the same time. They started putting food on there plates. There was definitely not going to be any left overs.

Once we were done, we put our dirty dishes in the sink. We sat back down at the table and talked for a bit. We decided that instead of just sitting at home we would go to the mall and chill.

Erik volunteered to do dishes while Randy and I went and changed into some clean decent looking clothes. And by decent I meant skinny jeans and a t-shirt with converse. I finished with my hot tight jacket.

I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table and walked to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. "Are you two almost done getting ready?" I call out.

Erik walks out of the kitchen still in the pajamas. I knew right then that he just finished the dishes. Randy walked out of his room wearing skinnies and a t-shirt also.

"It won't take me but two minutes to get ready." Erik said running the rest of the way to Randy's room.

He returned not even two minutes later wearing one of his own outfits. He wore the same thing that Randy and I did.

"Let's go." He said.

We all headed towards the front door. I was first to leave the house and stood there waiting for them to shut and lock the door.

"It's gay boy time fuckers." I say snapping my fingers all gay like.

"That was so gay." Erik said.

Him and Randy bust into laughter. "Whatever assholes." I say walking to my car with them at my heels.

We get in and I start it up pulling out of the driveway. Our day was just getting started and if I knew what was in store for us, I never would of left the house this morning.

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