Car Ride

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Eriks P.O.V.

I was so glad to finally be going home. I hated hospitals, being kept in a single room with nothing but four walls and a few seating arrangements. It wasn't too bad this trip because my family and friends were there almost 24/7, but it still felt good to be leaving.

After I signed myself out at the front desk, Aaron volunteered to take me to Calebs house. My new house.

"It's no problem. I actually want to talk to you a little bit; just you and me." Aaron had explained.

I looked to Daniel, "I guess we'll follow behind you then."

Daniel and Mikala got into Daniel's car. Mikala was of course, joining us. She was intrigued to see Calebs house. Why? I had no idea, but Aaron and I both got into his car, since mine had been totaled.

He put the key in the ignition and turned it on. The radio blasted Thanks for the Memories, by Fallout Boy. One of the things I loved about him, his taste in music.

He shut the radio off, and that's how I knew he was serious about whatever he wanted to talk to me about. Honestly, I was a little worried.

I kind of caught on to how he was feeling towards me. I had noticed him staring at my naked body when I was changing and to be honest, I wanted nothing more than for him to touch me. I knew it was wrong of me to think that.

I mean he wasn't gay and I knew I shouldn't of started this whole "hookup" thing with him. It only started because we were both drunk off our assess one night and ended up doing the nasty. But we both enjoyed it, so we did it more and more. After the third time, it just became apart of what we did together.

Of course we knew what we were getting into, but I never thought I'd actually fall for him. I mean, I wasn't in love with him, but I did start having "feelings" towards him, more than just being best friends.

Daniel finally pulled out and Aaron followed behind him. He waited until we got out of the parking lot to say anything.

"Erik." he almost whispered still staring straight ahead at the road.

I could see his hands tighten around the steering wheel. He was really nervous about something. "Yes?"

He tried to sneak a glimpse at me, but I caught his eyes. He stared into my eyes for as long as he could without looking back to the road, then he focused on driving.

"I don't want to make you feel weird or uncomfortable or anything, but I felt like I needed to tell you..." He trailed off.

I knew he was nervous and a little uncomfortable, so to try and calm him down I put my hand on his thigh. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and shifted slightly in his seat.

"I wanted to talk to you about us, well you, I mean me." I think I made him more nervous instead of calming him down.

"Aaron, I'm almost positive I know what you're trying to say. I-I feel the same way, but face it, you're straight and I'm gay. I get it and I knew that nothing was going to happen between us. I can tell that you're into Mikala, and you should really go for it. You'll be happier with her. It's for the best." I calmly stated so that he didn't have to explain to me.

He let out a deep breath and relaxed a little. I found my hand moving to his zipper on his pants. I noticed that his hands loosened up on the steering wheel and I went for the kill. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his boxers down so that his dick was peeking out at me.

I took off my seat belt off, leaned down and laid my body across the seats so that my mouth was inches away from Aaron's happy little friend. I looked up to make sure that he was okay with this. He looked down real fast, biting his bottom lip.

I took that as the go ahead I was searching for.

I grabbed his shaft in my right hand. My tongue flicked out and teased his head, quickly flicking his slit. I felt the rest of his body relax and I continued to tease him.

I took his head in my mouth and sucked. Slow and gentle at first, then harder and faster. I could feel him getting harder in my hand already. He let out a soft moan and I took the rest of him in my mouth.

What part of his dick that wasn't in my mouth, was getting pleasured by my hand. Going up and down his shaft, hard and fast, in sync with my mouth.

I moved my hand to his leg and deep throated his big dick. I slid him down my closed, tight throat. He moaned really loud. I moved my mouth up and down really fast, continuing to deep throat him.

Then out of no where, he slammed on the breaks. I let his dick fall out of my mouth and I sat up real fast in my seat.

"Shit. I am so sorry! Are you okay?" He started freaking out.

"I'm fine." I answered. He continued to stare at me. "Really, I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry Erik, they had to stop out of no where." He explained.

"Aaron, seriously. Don't sweat it, I'm fine." He smiled and I went back to what I was doing once he started driving again.

I focused on his head again. Sucking and nibbling on it. He moaned even louder this time. He grabbed my hair with his right hand and shoved me down on him. Thrusting his hips so that he went deeper down my throat.

"Oh, suck that cock good and hard." He whimpered.

He felt so good inside my throat. He tasted so good. I felt his pre-cum side down my throat, so warm and yummy.

"I think we're almost there." He said through his heavy breathing and moans. That meant I had to hurry this up.

I sucked his tip harder and faster, moving down his shaft a little slower. I moved faster and sucked harder until he practically screamed, "I'm going to cum!"

I took only his head in my mouth now, licking it until he busted in my mouth. He tasted even better now. His cum filling my mouth, his body relaxed and I swallowed his delicious juices.

I sat up and kissed his lips. He kissed me back quickly and turned his focus again, to the road. I put my seat belt on and wiped my mouth.

Only seconds later did we arrive at Caleb and Randy's house.

Daniel and I's new home.

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