I had no idea

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Caleb’s P.O.V.

I was still standing outside of Daniel’s room when his dad walked up and found me. “Shit.” I mumbled under my breath. I knew this wasn’t going to end well. At least I already got Daniel’s stuff in my truck so we could make a run for it if we needed to.

“I think you need to come with me.” His dad said looking me up and down. He kind of pushed me in the direction of the house and we walked through the door quietly.

Daniel’s mom was sitting on the couch, looking pretty mad, all while his dad looked calm as fuck. He motioned for me to have a seat in front of where Daniel’s mom sat. I quickly took a seat. I heard Daniel run back to his room and when I heard a thump I figured that was him throwing the bags out the window.

Daniel’s dad walked to Daniel’s room and opened the door. “Daniel, get out here.” I heard him say.

Daniel followed his dad to where we sat and Daniel took a seat in a chair next to me that sat across from his peaceful looking father.

“Mom, dad, I’m gay and I’m moving out.” Daniel said with no difficulties. His mother looked even more pissed off and his dad just had a smile across his face.

I couldn’t tell if that was a good smile or a “I’m going to murder you both smile.”

I could honestly say that I was freaking out just a little bit. Okay, maybe a lot. There was no way I was getting out of this crazy situation. I just sat there, happy that it was still silent. No one had spoken a word since Daniel so openly said that he’s gay and he’s moving out.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I was afraid to make eye contact with anyone in the room, but to my surprise I was the first one to respond after the long uncomfortable silence.

“Look, I know what you two had planned for Daniel. He should be the one telling you this, but he doesn’t want to play football and he doesn’t want to marry Mikala and as his parents you should love him no matter what he chooses to do in his life. I want you to know that I love your son. He is something special. He’s not like anyone I’ve ever met before and I plan on supporting him in whatever it is that he chooses to do in his life.”

I could not believe I just said all of those things. I wasn’t even thinking when I started talking, it just all came out.

Daniel’s father had an even bigger smile on his face than before I spoke. “Caleb is it?” He asked me.

“Yes sir.” I answered quivering.

“You sir, just might be the person that Daniel needs in his life. His mother and I want nothing more than for him to be happy, isn’t that right sweetheart?” He looked over to his wife, who still didn’t look the least bit of happy.

“Daniel, as your mother, you know I want nothing but the best for you. But you’ve worked too hard on this scholarship just to throw it all away. And Mikala, if you marry her, you’ll go farther honey, trust me. Your brother is already gay, why must you follow him and be with- men?” She sounded disgusted when she said that last part.

“Mom, I can’t help it. I’m not just doing it to follow in Erik’s “footsteps”. I am truly into men.” I chuckled at the word “men”. I am so far from a man. “I love Caleb and I am going to be with him, whether you like it or not. I’m moving in with him and Erik is going to stay with us.”

His mom lost all madness from her face. “I’m losing both of my babies in one day?” She shifted on the couch so she was touching her husband more.

Anyone could plainly see the hurt in her eyes, the failure in her face. But she wasn't a failure, at least not to me anyway. She made Daniel and to me Daniel is the farthest thing from failure.

I couldn't believe that I'd found love again and I couldn't believe that I had only met him 2 weeks ago. The heart wants what the heart wants and my heart; it wanted Daniel.

“We think that it is for the best that we move out. We are both eighteen and we feel that we need a change. We don’t think that you two are here for us enough anymore. I mean for shits sake you couldn’t even be here a week ago when you found out that Erik was in the hospital. You chose your work over him again.” This was going into family matters, maybe I should leave, I thought to myself.

I stood up and started walking towards the front door when Daniel’s dad stopped me. “Please, I feel that you are going to be around for a while, stay and be included in our family talks. Get to know us as people, not from our actions.”

I took my seat again, looking at Daniel I sent him a reassuring smile. “I’ll always be here.”

Daniel got up and pushed me over in the oversized chair so he could sit with me. His dad didn’t seem to mind but his mom still looked a little tense. He grabbed my hand and didn’t let go until we left his parents’ house. We were there for a good two hours before they let us leave.

I got to know his parents and they weren’t all that bad. I actually rather enjoyed them, well more of Daniel’s dad, Trey. His mom, Sarah, hadn’t quiet warmed up to me yet.

On our way out of the house, we grabbed Erik’s bags and threw them in the back of the truck with the rest of the bags that I had already placed in the back.

We headed to my house, well now our house, instead of the hospital because Sarah and Trey were going up there and we figured they needed their privacy with Erik.

The ride to the house was a bit quiet at first, but as we got closer to our destination, the more open it felt.

"Thank you Caleb, for being the one to say something first with my parents. I've never had the courage to stand up to them and to keep it going. I mean, I've stood up to them but it never went my way, I always ended up doing what they wanted anyway." He smiled at me and grabbed my right hand in his.

I cleared my throat, never taking my eyes off of the road and prepared myself to reel Daniel in. "I know that its only been two weeks and a crazy two weeks it has been, but I wanted you to know that it will get better. We will get better as a couple. It's not going to be just about sex, I promise you. I promise you that I'll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe. To keep Erik safe.

"I promise to you that all the bad things that have happened these last two weeks will not happen again." We pulled into my driveway, the engine shut off and I turned my body to face his.

"I don't know what it is about you that had me reeled in from the very first time I met you. I was so conseided and I just "knew" that there was no one good enough for me to tear down the walls that I had built over the years. You proved me wrong. In one night, you became my life. You became the man that I wanted to be with forever."

We sat there for a minute not saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes and holding each other's hands. This was where I wanted to live for eternity.

Daniel leaned in and kissed me softly. He laid his forehead against mine and he said, "I hope you're right about us." He kissed me once more before we pulled apart from each other.

We finally pulled ourselves out of the truck and walked into the house. Randy was there so I knew it wasn’t locked. Randy was passed out on the couch though, so we went straight to my room. I almost wished we hadn’t but we did.

There laid one of my ex’s; one of the guys that I had actually given a chance, not just one of my “hookups”; naked.

“Daniel, I had no idea…”

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