Take out

283 17 3

Erik’s P.O.V.

The next time I woke up it was 10:36am. I couldn't feel Randy's arm on me anymore so I rolled over to see if he was still in bed.

He wasn't.

I took my time getting up, stretching my body out, I slipped out of the bed and almost fell to the floor. Once my feet hit the cold ass ground, I almost jumped back into the bed.

I looked around the room for my shirt, but I couldn't see it anywhere. So I grabbed a shirt from Randy's closet, hoping he wouldn't mind. It was big on me, but to be honest, I kind of liked it.

I was so used to wearing clothes that were fairly tight, so it was a little nice to wear something I had a little more room in to be comfortable.

Once I got the shirt on I walked out of the room and right into the living room. I hadn't  noticed that there was a door here yesterday, but obviously it was there because I was seeing it now.

I heard people talking from the direction of Caleb and Daniel's room, or at least that's what I was guessing it was. I quietly walked to the closed door and put my ear to it.

"I really just want him to be happy. I know he can't just like having hookups. He needs to find someone who will love him for him." I heard Daniel say just above a whisper.

There was nothing but silence for a moment but then Caleb spoke. "Randy likes him. I mean, he thinks he's cute, he doesn't know him enough to like him. He's a good guy, I swear that to you."

I looked to see if I could see through the hole between the doorframe and the door. I could barley make it out but I could see what I wanted.

Caleb had one of his hands on Daniel's cheek and the other hand on his upper thigh. "Alright." Daniel choked out.

Caleb enclosed the space between their lips and they kissed passionately. I heard a faint noise behind me so I turned around quickly. It was Randy.

"Shit Randy. Caleb wasn't joking yesterday, you really don't make any noise even you enter a room." I knew I was talking a little loud but it was too late to catch it.

Calebs door flew open. "What are you two doing right here by the door?" Caleb scowled.

"I- I'm sorry, I was- I was just-..."

"We were just going to ask you two of you wanted to go out and eat or order some take out." Randy saved me.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we were doing." I covered Randy's lie.

Caleb and Daniel eyed each other. "Take out." They said at the same time.

They went back to their room and I followed Randy into the kitchen.

"Thanks for uhm.. saving my ass back there." I thanked him once I knew that we were alone in the kitchen.

"It's no problem." He replied. "I know what it's like, to watch the person you love kiss someone else. A couple years ago, that would of been me over there spying."

"Oh." I said taking a seat on one of the chairs. "Would you...like to talk about it?"

"Nah, it's all good dude. I'm over it. Just have to live life in the now and fuck the past." He smiled, but I could tell he was still a little hurt.

"Well if you ever want to, I'm here." I was still thinking about what I heard Caleb say before he kissed Daniel. Randy thought I was cute.

I smiled to myself, feeling flattered. He was cute himself though. I blushed a bit just thinking about last night. Did he put his arm around me to hint at something? Did he want me to... oh. He was so hitting on me last night.

I was so stupid not to of figured it out before now.

"So, are we going to take a ride and get some take out or just call it in?" I asked.

He turned around to face me with his phone in hand. "I was just going to call it in, but if you would like to take a drive into town with me..."

"I'd love that." I got out of the seat and set off to get my shoes. "Oh, I couldn't find my shirt, so I just borrowed one of yours. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine. It's kind of big though, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Don't be sorry, I rather like it." I smiled at him, leaving the room and going to the door where I had left my shoes yesterday.

Slipping the last shoe on over my sock, Randy walked into the room, keys in hand. "Well let's go cuteness."

I jumped up off the couch and we headed out the front door. Randy hurried to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I thanked him, getting in as he ran to his side of the car. He started the ignition and backed out of the driveway.

The car ride there was spent in an awkward silence but I was okay with that as long as it wasn't an awkward conversation. He seemed to be okay with it as well. It didn't take as long as I thought it would to get to the Chinese place, we were there in 15 minutes.

We both got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. We walked up to the cash register and told them that we weren’t staying in but wanted take out.

We bought 8 take out boxes and filled them up with foods that we wanted. He paid for it all and we left.

The car ride back to the house wasn't as quiet. I didn't know why I even let this leave my mouth, but before I could really think on it, it was leaving my lips. "So I overheard Caleb telling Daniel that you think I'm cute."

I could see his cheeks turn red and he lost all other colors from his face. "He told Daniel what??"

I seriously could not believe I had said that. I had no idea why I did and I couldn't take it back. I really was an idiot sometimes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"Erik, it's fine. I just, I don't like people all that much and I just can't believe Caleb would tell your brother that. I told him that in private." The colors came back slowly to his face. "And yes. I think you are very cute."

I found myself blushing now. "You're cute as well." He was still watching the road but I could see the smile spread across his face.

"Thank you." He said and I nodded.

We pulled into the driveway and walked into the house, setting the food on the living room table, he sat on the love seat while I went and told the other guys that the food was here.

They came out panting and short of breath so I could only imagine what they had been doing with their free quiet time.

They claimed the long couch and I sat next to Randy on the love seat. We didn't buy any one certain box for any certain person, it was just there for whoever wanted what was in any of them.

Daniel turned the TV on and picked out a scary movie, not asking anyone if what he chose was okay.

Before the movie even had a chance to start, Randy put his arm behind my back and suddenly I felt the need to move closer, but I didnt.

I had a pretty good idea as to why Daniel put a scary movie on; I was certain that he and Caleb were trying to get Randy and I together.

I wouldnt necessarily object to the idea, but I didn't want to move too fast. I mean, Randy just became my roommate and I'd rather have an enjoyable friend as a roommate, opposed to having possible future "problems" with a roommate.

Randy's arm sat in the same spot until half way through the movie when I decided to lay my head on his open chest.

After my first move he slowly moved his hand to my body so that he was holding me. Engaging me.

I could get definitely get used to this, I told myself.

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