I'm gay and I'm moving out

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Daniel’s P.O.V.

We went to my house instead of to Caleb’s house first. We figured that instead of wasting gas to go all the way to his house and then to mine just to go back to his later on that night was pointless. I had a shower at my house and clothes that he could borrow. We pulled up into the driveway and got out. I hadn’t bothered locking the door when I had left days ago because I was so worried. Let’s just hope no one got in and stole anything.

We reached the door and walked right in, shutting the door behind us, we walked straight to my room, which had the only conjoining bathroom besides my parents.

“Do you want to shower first or do you mind if I get in?”

“You can get in first if you want or…” he trailed off.

“Or what?”

“Or we could shower together.” He said with a wide smirk on his face.

“Caleb, I’m just too tired right now. Can we just shower and get things packed?”

I felt bad about telling him no. He had the cutest little puppy dog face going on. He really was different, I mean I had never dated or been with a guy before him, but it was a nice change. “No Caleb. Maybe later.”

I grabbed his face in my hands and held it in place when I bent down to kiss his soft lips. He kissed me back and I knew that I would be his forever. I pulled apart from him before anything else could happen. I walked to the bathroom and started taking my clothes off.

I lifted my shirt over my head and tossed it into my room. I turned the water on and then I started to unbutton my pants when I felt cold hands wrap around my waist and pulled me into the amazing body behind me.

His lips trailed down my neck to my collar bone. I shivered once he hit it. He left open mouthed kisses all along it, moving his body so that he was standing in front of me; His lips never leaving my body. His lips made a trail from my neck to the beginning of my pants. He unbuttoned them for me and slowly pulled them and my boxers down.

He kissed the inside of my thighs and a whimper left my mouth. God this boy was so fucking hot and he’s all mine, I thought to myself.

His mouth found the tip of my dick and he licked it, teasing me. Another whimper left my mouth. He put my tip in his mouth, sucking on me slow but hard. It felt so good that my knees nearly gave way underneath me.

He placed his hand on my shaft, jerking me as he took me into his mouth. He twisted his wrist in ways that I would never be able to explain. He made me feel so good. Without even thinking my hand met with the back of his head and I found myself pushing him into me deeper. I thrust my hips so I was deeper in his throat.

His other hand massaged the inside of my thigh, moving up and down my stomach. I let out a load moan when I felt the tip of my dick slide down the back of his throat. “Oh. My. God.” I moaned.

His eyes looked up at me, I searched his eyes, I didn’t know what I was looking for, but I looked for something. He let my dick slide out of his mouth with a loud pop sound and started kissing up my body to my nipples. I was so embarrassed the first time he played with them. They perked up so fast, but I couldn’t stop it, he really turned me on.

His tongue lashed out and flicked my nipple while his other hand was rubbing my other one. Both nipples perked out, just like every time, they were really sensitive and I couldn’t help it. His mouth finally found mine again. His tongue begging for entry; which I gladly gave him. My hands found the hem of his shirt and I started to push it up over his toned and fit body. Our lips parted as he lifted his arms up so I could take his shirt off of him.

I moved my body to the shower and motioned for him to join me. He quickly took off his pants and boxers and jumped in with me. The water was so hot against my back but that’s the way I liked it. Just hot enough so it gave off a pleasurable feeling. I pushed him up against the wall and started to kiss his neck, biting only enough for pleasure.

My hand found his little friend, which seemed to be happy to see me. I tugged on him until I heard a whispered moan escape his lips. “Daniel.” He said through another moan.

“What?” I asked against his neck.

“I- I love you.”

I stopped playing with him and looked him dead in the eyes.

“Do you mean that?” I questioned seriously.

He nodded and turned his face away from me. “I love you too.” I said pulling his face back towards mine. I kissed him again, my tongue begging for entry this time, when I heard a noise coming from the other side of the house. I brushed it off because it was an old house and it made lots of noise.

Caleb turned me and him around so that I was the one against the wall. He turned me so that I was facing it. He teased my ass with his hard friend, moving it up and down. I felt my body tremble.

“Do it.” I said turning my head so that he could see my face when he did it.

He slid into me slowly, making me feel the fullness of the pain. I bit my lip and he grabbed my hips pulling me deeper onto him. He thrust into me fast and hard. He hit my spot and I could feel myself about to explode. The deeper he hit my spot, the loader I moaned, but that all stopped when there was a knock on my wide open bathroom door.

I held my pointer finger to my lips and Caleb slipped out of me. He moved to the front of the shower and I poked my head out of the back. “Oh, mom, what are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow I thought.”

My mom stood in the doorway with a disgusted look on her face. “We got an earlier flight. Who’s in there with you?”

“What? In the shower? No ones in the shower with me.” I lied. I was going to tell them but this was so not the right time or the right place.

“Yeah, in the shower. All that noise wasn’t coming from you being alone in there. Who’s in there with you?” she eyed me down.

“Mom, I was just rubbing one out in the shower.” I laughed in my head at the thought of me just telling my mom that I was masturbating.

She moved closer to the shower and then my dad called her name. She left it alone and she left my room. “Oh my God Caleb that was close!” I got out of the shower and ran to my room locking my bed room door. Caleb jumped out of the shower behind me and hurriedly put his clothes on. I put mine on as well.

“Maybe you should jump out my window and I’ll throw my stuff out to you. We need to get out of here.” I whispered.

He nodded, “Hurry and pack your shit and let’s go then!” he said a little louder than necessary.

I started shoving clothes and shoes into my duffel bags. As well as anything else that I really needed that couldn’t be replaced. I handed him the bags and he jumped out the window with them. I could see him running them to his truck. He stayed outside my window and told me to go get Erik’s stuff. I quietly unlocked my door and ran next door to Erik’s room.

I grabbed his bags that he left hidden in his closet. I started shoving everything I could into his big bags and ran back to my room. I tossed them out the window to Caleb, only Caleb wasn’t there. The knob on my door turned and in walked my dad. I had forgotten to lock my door. “Daniel, get out here.”

I knew that this was not going to end well, but what I didn’t know was that they caught Caleb standing outside my window.

My mom was sitting on the couch, where my dad had taken his place once we walked in. Caleb was sitting in a chair directly across from my pissed off looking mother. I took a seat and said, “Mom, dad, I’m gay and I’m moving out.”

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