No longer a secret

453 29 19

Mikala's P.O.V.

I got out of my car and walked towards my boyfriend's house. It looked like his brother was making out with another guy. I had nothing against him being gay, but we weren't supposed to know. I had made some noise and they both stiffened. The boy with his back to me moved out from in front of Erik.

The thing was though, it wasn't Erik, it was Daniel...

I knew my face said everything I was thinking. What the heck was going on??

"Uhm, what is going on?" I asked walking closer.

The other boy turned around. Oh. my. gosh. It was Caleb Hill. I was best friends with him until I moved schools. I stopped talking to him because I had fallen in love with him and he was my gay best friend. I couldn't handle that. The last time I saw him I told him I loved him.

"Caleb? What are you doing here?"

I could tell he was surprised. He stepped towards me. "Mikala." he held his arms open and walked into me. He held me so tight. I gave in and wrapped my arms around him. "Caleb." I began pushing him away. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I moved into town about 6 months ago because I moved in with Randy. He got a job that he is out of town a lot for, so I moved in with him because it helps us both out. I-I didn't know that you were still here."

"I didn't plan on staying here after I graduated, but my parents insisted until after the, uhm, wedding."

I looked behind Caleb where Daniel was still stiffly standing. He looked so confused, but he just sat back there leaning against the door. We both had a lot of explaining to do. I looked back at Caleb.

"I need to speak with Daniel. Do you mind?"

"Oh, no. Maybe we can catch up later?" he smiled grabbing me in another hug.

"That would be great." I hugged him back.

When he pulled away he went and gave Daniel a peck on the cheek and whispered something. Then he walked off towards his truck and left. I walked over to Daniel and opened his front door. He stumbled back into his house, but walked towards his room.

Shutting his front door behind me, I followed behind him. I walked in and shut his door. He was standing by his bed with his hands on his hips, looking like a lost puppy dog.

"Who is explaining first?" I asked taking a seat next to him.

"You can go first." He whispered.

I moved my body to face his. "Well Caleb and I used to be best friends. We pretty much grew up together. I grew some strong feelings for him before I moved. The last time I saw him, I told him that I loved him. I knew he was gay, but I wanted him to know. We were freshmen in high school, before I moved here. Once I moved, I changed my number and got off of Facebook.

I couldn't talk to him. I knew not talking to him wouldn't change my feelings for him, but maybe a new school, a new life I told myself just might. I've gone 3 and a half years without talking to him and to this day, I still- I still love him..." I trailed off.

He had this weird look on his face. It kind of looked like he was going to be sick. "Daniel?"

He held his hand up for me to not say anything, but I talked anyway.

"You look like you're going to be sick. Mine is no where near as bad as what's going on with you. I caught you making out with my ex best friend, who is a guy! You have no right to be getting sick over what I told you." I spat at him.

"Mikala." He started. "Shut the Fuck up. This isn't over what you told me!"

Oh well now I felt bad. He seemed fine when he was sucking face with Caleb. Why was he getting sick now?

He stood up and faced me. "I met Caleb at the movies Friday night. He bought me a movie ticket and went into the same theatre I did. Well it got sexual." He started shaking really bad.

"Daniel, you should sit."

"No, I'm fine. Just listen to me." He replied.

I motioned for him to go on. "Well, we did his truck, we were stuck in traffic and Erik just happened to be in his car next to us. He must of followed us to Calebs house because he showed up there. We-we all had sex. Amazing sex. I didn't know I was gay! I love you, well I used to love you. We've grown apart and I don't love you anymore..." He paused.

It hurt what he was telling me. I did love him. I let a tear run down my face.

"Mikala, I'm so sorry." He leaned into me and hugged me. I didn't hesitate, I hugged him back. I just lost it. Tear after tear fell down my face. "Mikala what's wrong?"

"The first boy I ever loved was my gay best friend and now the second boy I have ever loved is gay for my ex gay best friend. I can't win for losing!" I cried harder shoving my head into his chest.

He pulled my face up and stared into my eyes. His eyes looked down to my lips. I didn't even realize what I was doing until it was too late.

Our lips met and he kissed me back. One of my hands found the back of his hair and the other moved to his back. He pushed me onto my back and he went down with me. His hands moved all around my body. His lips moved to my neck, nibbling softly. What were we doing?

"Wait. Daniel, what are we doing?" He didn't get off of me, just raised his head and looked into my eyes.

"If you want me to stop, I will." He said still holding my gaze.

I knew what I was doing was going to hurt me later, but I didn't care, I just wanted him so bad. "No, I don't want you to stop..."

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to bat_girl 229 because she pushed me to write this chapter. This is my first time writing this type of story, but I'm in love with it.(: Thanks for all the love. <3

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