Only His Forever

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Caleb’s P.O.V.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I rudely asked Chris.

Chris must of seen Daniel behind me because he stood up and started putting his clothes back on. “I uhh, I missed you Caleb. But I see that you don’t miss me in the least little bit.”

I moved so Daniel could see what was going on better.

“Chris this is my boyfriend Daniel. Daniel this is my ex-boyfriend Chris. We dated last year, until he cheated on me.”

Chris and I had been together for over a year when he decided to cheat on me. I had never looked at another man while I was with him. I thought it was really serious but to him it just seemed like a game.

He was the second reason for me deciding not to date. I have been hurt so many times and the people who hurt me don’t seem to care.

“Caleb, I’m sorry for that. It didn’t mean anything I was just… well I was just lonely. You had left out of town for so long and I needed comfort...

If I could take it back, I would, but I can’t. Why are you even with that loser?” He threw his head towards Daniel. “I’m sure he’s not better than me. He looks like he’s fifteen.”

Daniel grabbed my hand. “It doesn’t really matter how old I am. I would never hurt Caleb like that. I would never cheat on him. And anyone who would should go to hell, because he’s amazing. He’s obviously over you and he’s with me now. So I think you need to leave.”

Wow. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there looking like an idiot. I squeezed Daniel’s hand and he moved so that his arm brushed my arm.

“Caleb I-“Chris started.

“No Chris. I’m with Daniel and nothing you do or say is going to change that. He’s right, you need to leave and never come back. I don’t want you and I will never want you again. You broke my heart when you had no right in doing so. I don’t care how long we were together; nothing will ever make what you did to me okay.” I stepped away from the door and motioned for Chris to leave.

He finished putting his shoes on and he walked past us. “I’m not done fighting for you.” He whispered in my ear as he walked by. His eyes caught Daniel’s and didn’t let go until he was in the next room.

“Daniel, I am so sorry. I had no idea that he was going to be here.” I looked deeply into his eyes. He pulled me into a hug, which I didn’t fight. Being in his arms, it felt so right, so real. I wanted something real and I really think that Daniel can be that for me.

We stood there holding each other for a while until Randy walked in. “Dude, I had no idea that he was even here. I’ve been passed out on the couch since I got home.”

Daniel and I pulled apart and I chuckled a small chuckle. “Randy, it’s all good. He just made me realize that what I have with Daniel will hopefully be the right thing.”

Our fingers twirled with one anothers and we both smiled.

Randy left the room and went off somewhere. I didn’t really care at the moment where he was going because I was still holding hands with the person that really could be my forever.

We went to the bed and just laid down, we needed to get some sleep. We hadn’t slept a whole lot at the hospital.

I laid down and felt Daniel wrap his arms around my waist, pulling my back into his chest. He buried his head into the crease of my neck and kissed me lightly.

I turned my face to Daniel, “I’m giving you my heart. Take care of it and don’t hurt it. I’ve been hurt so many times and I don’t think I can handle getting hurt again. So if you don’t think this is going anywhere or you don’t want to deal with my past, let me know now. Because if you’re serious about us; I want to be only yours forever.”

I turned just my head so I could see his face. A small smile appeared on it.

“Right now, I know that you are all I want. Honestly Caleb, I really hope that we don’t hurt each other. I want this to go somewhere and I want this to work between us. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I meant what I said in the shower. I love you too.”

My heart sank with joy. I knew this was truly going to work out. I let myself fall asleep in the hands of the man I loved. I felt at peace with his arms holding me tight, like I was something he didn’t want to lose. In this moment I knew I was going to be only his forever.

Daniel’s P.O.V.

Maybe we were moving just a little too fast, but in all honesty, I didn’t really care. Caleb was different and I could see that. I’ve never been the type to fall for someone having only just met them. But the way he pleasured me and the way he was with himself, made me feel like he had something that I’ve been searching for my whole life.

Maybe I was just looking for comfort in someone who I never thought I would. I never thought that I would be gay or even have sex with a male, let alone more than once. My feelings were so messed up at this point.

Maybe I was just trying to find someone to fill an empty hole in my life. Mikala just wasn’t doing it for me anymore and I might of just needed someone to fall back on. Whatever the case was, I was turning my life all around. I didn’t know what to do or what to believe anymore.

I was dating the cutest boy ever and the cutest boy wanted me. Maybe we’re supposed to be together and maybe we aren’t, but we are going to try.

I had never really gotten my heart broken, but maybe it was because I was held down to one girl for so long. Before my sophomore year of high school I wasn’t much for “dating”. I enjoyed being friends with lots of girls and they enjoyed being friends with me.

I didn’t know what was going to happen from this point on, but I was ready for whatever happened. No matter what road it took me down. I really loved Caleb and Caleb seemed to really love me. I’m not going to let this amazing thing slip through my hands. I will be only his forever...

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