Our Scary Movie Moment

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Eriks P.O.V

I had never had a moment like this; with anyone, not even my twin brother. I quiet liked it actually. I liked the touch of his body, the smell of his cologne, and the grip he had on me. He held me tight like he thought I was going to disappear.

In this moment I felt...Well loved. I felt more comfortable than I ever have in my life. It felt right. It made me forget about my love for Daniel. His touch made me forget the world.

The movie finally ended and we all decided that we were just going to watch scary movies the rest of the day. We had taken turns choosing movies until about 8pm.

It was pitch black outside and we could hear rain pattering on the roof. It was definitely a scary movie mood. It was Randy's turn to choose a movie and he picked a really scary one. I had never seen it before but they refused to tell me the name of it.

I really thought I was going to have a heart attack, but Randy just held me the whole time. We barley made any eye contact but when we did, we both found ourselves looking away real fast.

I turned my gaze over to the long couch that sat parallel to us. Daniel was laying on Caleb, like I was on Randy, but Calebs head was bent down to Daniel's. They were kissing. It didn't seem to hurt me this time, I just brushed it off and turned my attention back to the movie.

The movie had only been on about 20 minutes when the electricity went off. I couldn't move, but I was forced to when Randy's hands pushed against my back telling me to sit up. I sat up and I felt him get off the couch.

"Well this is just great." I heard Caleb say. "Now we can't finish the movie."

Daniel snickered quietly and whispered so low that I almost didn't hear. "That just means no one can see us."

"Daniel, this is so not the time love." Caleb responded.

I'm glad someone didn't think it was a time to joke around, because I definitely didn't think it was. There was a crashing sound coming from upstairs. I was literally freaking out now.

Caleb and Daniel hadn't seemed to hear the noise but I knew Randy wasn't in here and I didn't want to interrupt whatever it was they were doing or talking about, so I made my way up the stairs.

"Randy?" I called out. I said his name a few times while walking up the steps and again when my feet hit the landing. "Randy?" I called out once more.

I felt a hand cover my mouth and pull me into a very small room. I couldn't scream and I couldn't fight whoever had me. "Shh. It's only me." I heard someone whisper, removing their hand from my mouth.

"Randy?" I questioned.

Their only reply was crashing their lips against mine. I tried to fight back at first but I finally gave him when his tongue begged for entrance. I had no idea why, but I gave it to him.

His hands moved to my waist, Squeezing my hips and pulling me into his body. That's when I realized it was Randy.

His tongue explored my mouth like no one else had before. i loved when he squeezed my hips even tighter. My arms moved around his neck and my hands linked together, pushing his head more into mine.

I felt myself lose all control. I kissed him even harder, unlinking my hands and moving them to the hem of his shirt. My hands moved up underneath it and I felt his cold smooth skin. My hands stopped on his chest, taking the touch of his wonderful body in.

His hands moved up under my shirt, still on my hips. He pulled his lips away from mine, but kept his hands where they were.

"Erik. I- I would like to wait before this goes any farther. I want to get to know you before anything.... sexual happens between us. I want something real. I'm tired of playing kid games with everyone."

I had no idea what to say, but I knew that we were going to have something special together. I nodded and gave his lips a soft, quick pick and removed my hands from his body.

I stepped away which made him drop his hands. "Let's go downstairs before they come looking for us." I said opening the door.

I heard him laugh softly, "They may not even realize that we're gone." I laughed along with him. "You're right."

I grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him down the stairs. Caleb and Daniel were still in the same spot on the couch. They weren't kissing and they weren't cuddling, they were just sitting there playing with their hands.

Randy and I sat back on the love seat, cuddling up like we had been earlier, only this time, there was no tension. A swear I could see a smile form across Caleb and Daniel's face, but it was too dark to know for sure.

That's when the lights came back on and the movie had started itself where it left off. I couldn't hide the smile on my face and I wasn't so sure that I wanted to.

If they didn't know what happened between us, they had some sort of idea. We watched the rest of the movie and once it was over Caleb commented,  "Erik,  we never cleaned out your room today."

He sounded apologetic, but by the look on his face, I could tell that was the plan the whole time. I knew those two had something to do with Randy and I. But for once in my life, I didn't mind someone interfering in on my love life.

"If you want to sleep in my room again, I'm okay with that." Randy offered blushing.

"Well if you really don't mind the company." I replied.

He blushed even more. "Of course not."

Caleb and Daniel smiled like crazy. I knew they knew. They said their goodnight and disappeared into their room. I got up and stretched my body out. Randy was headed to the room already.

When I got there, I saw him pulling his shirt off. He really did have a great body. I almost couldn't resist taking my eyes off of him but I managed to do so before he turned around and caught on.

I slid into the bed and he followed right behind me. His arm didn't slide over me this time. So I took the initiative to put mine over him and pull him into me. his bare back against my clothed body.

I felt him stiffen a bit but then he relaxed.

"Goodnight." He whispered to me.

"Goodnight..." I replied back.

I wasn't all that tired, but almost as soon as we had said our goodnights, I was out cold for the rest of the night. Sleeping with a man that I hoped would be in my life for awhile.

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