Some kind of news

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Daniel's P.O.V

"I'm glad we got rid of her." I said letting go of Caleb. He moved over to give me some more space. It's official, we are together.

Erik was right, this is my life. I can't let my parents tell me what to do with my life anymore. I am an adult and if they hate me because of my decisions then so be it. They can't even be here for their son while he's laying on his death bed. So fuck them.

"Yeah, I love that girl to death, but she can be really dumb and annoying sometimes." He said with his cute smile.

I looked over to Erik, he looked so peaceful, even with all the casts, he still looked, I don't know, relived. Like he could hear us or something.

"He is going to be okay Daniel. He's strong, he will pull through this." And just like that Eriks hand moved.

I jumped up and screamed in joy, "Did you see that? His hand moved."

"Daniel. Are you sure? It could of just been-" He stopped when Eriks hand moved again. "Holy fuck! I'll go get someone."

Caleb ran out of the room and I stood next to my twin brothers bed, as he lay still just as before. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. He didn't move his hand, but he squeezed mine.

"I knew you would make it. I love you Erik." Caleb and three nurses ran into the room at that moment and went around checking machines. "He's-He's Squeezing my hand."

One nurse came over and put her hand on his. She smiled and nodded to the other two nurses. Go get the doctor, this boy is waking up!"

She pushed me back out of the way so they could take the tubes out of his nose and throat. They had been feeding him through a tube ever since they moved him to ICU.

The nurse that went to get the doctor came rushing back into the room with the doctor on her heels. The first nurse who had checked our hands had switched places with the doctor. He checked all of his vital signs and said, "This boy is pulling through and he's making a great recovery."

Tears of joy filed my eyes and slowly poured down my face. I hadnt noticed Caleb was standing next to me now, let alone that I was Squeezing his hand in excitement. "I told you he was going to be okay." He reassured me.

Pulling out my phone, I saw that it was dead. Shit. "Caleb, my phone is dead, can I use yours?"

He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me. We stepped outside the room and I dialed my parents number.

Voicemail, of course.

I dialed Mikalas number.  It rang and rang and rang, until she finally picked up. She sounded so out of breath. "Mikala. He's waking up! Erik is waking up!"

"Oh my god! I'll be there in a minute. I'm right down the hall." I was almost positive I knew what she was doing, but just to be sure I hung up and called Aaron.

He answered on the first ring, "I already know, I'm down the hall."

I've never known Mikala to just go have sex with someone she just met, but she wasn't my girl anymore so I wasn't too worried about it.

I handed Caleb his phone back and said, "Kayla got over us fast." we both kind of laughed. We waited outside so the doctors could do their thing. I tried my patents a couple more times, but only ever got their Voicemails.

They were starting to really piss me off!

Half an hour later there was me, Caleb, Calebs roommate Randy,  Mikala, Aaron and Mikalas parents sitting outside waiting for the doctor to come out of that tiny hospital room with some news.

Not long after everyone got there the doctor came out. "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is he's awake. His vital signs look great and he doesn't seem to have any problem walking or talking. The bad news is, he doesn't remember what happened within the last couple of hours before the crash, but over time he should be able to remember what happened leading up to the crash."

This was so great! "Can I see him?"

"Just one at a time, we don't want to over whelm him." I walked past the doctor into the now empty room except Erik laying there in his bed. I went to his bed side and grabbed his hand first thing.

"God, I'm the one in the hospital and you're the one who looks like shit." we both laughed.

"Erik, I am so glad that you're okay. Caleb and I have been here and never left. We were afraid that you weren't going to pull through, but look at you. You're already back to normal."

I couldn't help it, I pulled him into my arms and squeezed him tight. He moaned in pain but hugged me right back.

"Where's mom and dad?" He asked seriously.

"Erik, mom and dad haven't come back yet. They are still in Chicago and all I get are their Voicemails." He didn't look too hurt. "They know you're here, they just don't care."

He put a smile on his face and held my hand even tighter than before. "I saw this coming. They've been distancing themselves from me for some time now. I don't know why but it happens. All I need is you here and I know I'll be okay."

He kept a smile on his face the whole time, I smiled back at him and said, "Maybe we should move out together. We could get our own place. We don't need them to baby us anymore."

"Lets talk about this more when I get out of this place." his smile disappeared.

"Alright. But hey there's people here to see you, I'm gonna send them in. One at a time the doctor said."

He nodded and smiled again.

I walked out of the room and told Aaron to go on in.  He strut into the room, looking like he was trying to get a date. We all bust into laughter as he shut the door.

"Hey Caleb, can I talk to you and Randy?" He tapped Randys shoulder and motioned for him to follow. They followed me down the hall. "I have a serious question for you two."

"Okay?" They answered at the same time.

"Would you guys happen to have room for two guys at your place?"

They looked at each other and looked back at me with huge grins on their faces. "Yes." They both relied.

I knew I had to run this by Erik first, but I knew we had to do something different with our lives and this was way different.

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