This is your life

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Picture is Aaron**

Eriks P.O.V

I sat up in Aaron's bed. "It's getting pretty late, I should be getting home." I leaned down and kissed his lips softly.

Aaron is a guy that I met in high school a couple of years ago. He's not gay, but he's always down to Fuck. I don't understand how he's not into guys but he's always having great sex with me. It kind of raises questions in my mind.

"Thank you for this. I really needed to release some stress." I said getting up, putting my clothes on. Aaron continued to be sprawled across the bed. For a straight guy he was really fucking hot.

"No problem." He said folding his arms behind his head. "You know I'm always down for a good time with you."

I got the last of my clothes on and leaned down to give him one more kiss. "You know I always look forward to it." I smiled and turned to leave the room.

I let myself out of his house and got into my car. Starting the engine the radio came on, playing Thanks for the Memories, by Fallout Boy. I loved this song, I started singing along like an idiot.

It ended just before I got to my house. I shut my car off and walked to the front door, scrounging around for my house keys. I reached for the door but it opened before I could touch the knob.

"Hey Mikala." I said as she rushed past me.

She turned around and said, "Oh, Uhm, hey Erik." It looked like she had been crying. Her hair was messed up as well as her makeup. "Are you okay?" I asked walking to her.

We weren't best friends or anything, but she was my brothers girlfriend so we got along well enough. "Yes, I'm fine." she said turning on her heels and jogging the rest of the way to her car.

That was pretty weird, I thought to myself. I proceeded into the house and went straight to the kitchen. I was starving. Opening the fridge I grabbed the eggs, cheese and bacon to make me an omelette. I loved breakfast foods. Especially for dinner. I heard a noise behind me so I turned my head towards the hallway.

It was Daniel. "Have you eaten? I can make you one of my famous omelettes." I threw a smile his way.

"No, I'm not hungry." He said getting into the fridge and pulling out some orange juice.

He loved my omelettes, that's how I knew something was going on. He grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and sat down at the table pouring him a glass of OJ. I cracked my eggs into my pan and added my other ingredients.

"You love my breakfast for dinner. What's going on?" I said taking a seat across from him.

He didn't say a word, just took a drink from his cup. He looked as if he was going to throw up every where. "Dude, seriously what the fuck is going on? It looks like you're going to blow chunks."

He remained silent for a minute. I got up and flipped my food over, when he answered. "She-she knows."

I dropped my spatula. "Who knows what?" I jerked around.

He just stared at me. "Mikala. She knows. And what's worse is that she knows him! Caleb was her first love. I guess they used to be best friends until she moved here, after she told him that she loved him. They haven't talked since then. But she knows and we are both in love with the same guy!"

Did he just say they were in love with the same guy? He loved Caleb? Sure they would make a cute couple, but was he sure he really loved him?

His mouth dropped open. "Did-did I just say I loved him?" He buried his face in his hands. "I can't love him! He's a fucking boy! I can't be gay! I'm supposed to go to college and marry Mikala. What the hell am I going to do Erik?"

I got my plate off the table and dumped my food onto it. I walked to the other side of the table where Daniel sat and pulled up a chair. "This is your life Daniel. Do what makes you happy. Screw what everyone else wants. Do what your heart tells you to do. You can be with Caleb and still go to school in the fall. They won't take away your scholarship because you're gay."

He dropped his hands and looked at me. "Our parents would kill me if they found out I was gay. They're okay with you being gay, but not me. You're not going anywhere in life Erik!" He shouted at me.

"I can not believe you just said that to me!" I jumped out of my chair and picked up my plate. Squeezing it tight, I angrily rushed past Daniel who looked shocked at what just came out of his mouth.

There was a lot of things that I could forgive him for, but this...This was just low. Too low to forgive.


I sat up in bed and looked at my clock. 11:37PM it read. I felt around for my phone on my night stand. I unlocked it and saw a text from a number I didn't know.

'Do you think you could meet me?'

I replied, 'Who is this?'

I didnt have to wait long for a response. 'It's Caleb.'

What did he want to meet about? And why was he texting me so late? 'When and where?'

After mine and Daniel's blow out, I came to my room and fell asleep. I didn't even bother eating my food. It still sat on my plate next to my bed where I had left it.

'Can you meet me now? At the park by your house?'

'I'll be there in 10.' I typed and forced myself to get out of bed. This had better be good. I threw some clothes on over my boxers and slipped my converse on and headed out of the house.

Getting in my car, I realized I left my keys in the kitchen. I got back out and ran inside. There they were, on the counter by the fridge. I heard a buzzing sound and looked around. Daniel left his phone on the table. I walked over to it and picked it up. The screen said, New message.

I slid it open and read a text from some number that wasn't saved. 'Hey babe, my parents are gone. Do you want to come over?'

Who the Fuck was this? It wasn't Calebs number, because I just saw that, and it's definitely not Mikalas number. So who the hell was it? I locked it and put it back on the table and left the house. I got into my car and started it up, leaving the driveway I turned up my radio to drown out my own thoughts. I finally pulled into the parks parking lot and immediately saw Caleb. He was leaning against a tree. Like that wasn't creepy at all.

I shut my car off and jumped out. I walked towards Caleb with my hands in my pockets. "Why did we need to meet so late tonight? Could this of not waited until tomorrow?"

"No, it couldn't of. I really needed to see you tonight. Tomorrow is my last day in..." He trailed off when someone came from the trees. What was going on...?

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