Going Home

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Daniel's P.O.V.

I walked into the room that Erik had been moved to after he woke up. He and Aaron were just talking up a storm. I took a seat in a chair against the opposite wall of the bed and just sat there quietly. "So, mom and dad came and saw you last night huh?" I interrupted their talking because I was getting a little impatient.

"Yes they did." he answered.

"So you know that they don't care about me being gay and they don't care about us moving in with Caleb and Randy?"

"Yeah, I know. We talked a lot last night before Mikala got here." he put his head down. "Mikala is going to move in with Aaron here."

A smile spread across my face. "Well that was fast."

"No Daniel, it's not like that. It's just that Mikala's parents want her to live on her own and she doesn't want to pick a house that isn't right, so she's going to stay with me until she can decide. But I wouldn't object to her moving in for good if you know what I mean." Aaron winked.

"Aaron, aren't you gay?" I awkwardly asked.

He looked to Erik and Erik just laughed a low laugh. "Tell him." he nudged Aaron.

"I'm not gay. To be honest, I'm not even into dudes. I just enjoyed the sex with your brother here." They both busted out laughing.

This was so not cool but funny I guess. Messing with emotions like that can be dangerous, but if that's what those two were into then I guess that's what they were into. "Well then." I replied. "So when is she moving in?"

On cue Mikala walked into the room with coffee in hand. "Tomorrow." she answered as if she had heard the whole conversation.

"Were you eavesdropping?" we all asked in sync.

"A girl never eavesdrops; she just overhears things as she's passing by." She smiled. I loved that smile. That's the women that I fell in love with, the one who always had this amazing smile on her face, but somewhere along the road, she lost it and I didn't see much of it anymore.

Maybe it wasn't just me who was losing interest in the relationship. Don't get me wrong, I still loved her, just not in that way. Of course I had to make this all about me. I just couldn't let my life be simple, could I? I am with Caleb and so far, I was happy. I'm still trying to get this whole feel on being gay though. It's a life style that I chose, but I've been questioning myself, am I really equipped to handle it?

I felt something hard hit my face and I looked up. "What the hell?"

"We've been talking to you. Are you alright?" Mikala asked taking a seat next to me since Aaron had occupied the seat that I assumed she was sitting in earlier.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just didn't sleep too well last night. I'm sorry."

They went on talking about Mikala moving in again and I just sat there listening to them, not having much to say on the subject. I really just wanted to close my eyes and never wake up.

Everything was just turning to shit. I love Caleb, at least I think I love Caleb, but something is going on and I don't think I ever want to find out.

After last night, walking in on that guy being in Caleb's house, in his room, on his bed and naked, I just didn't know If I would be able to handle all of the "hookups" he's had. I wanted to be his and his only, not someone he just fucks for awhile and then gets rid of like everyone else recently. I wanted something real with him.

I knew that our relationship was still brand new, but I wanted him and I couldn't explain why. I didn't know why, just when he walks into the same room, I feel, well I feel as if it's the best thing in the world. That I will never have to worry again, but I know that I will always worry because I know he's been with a lot of different men.

I've only been with him and Mikala. I guess I've been with Erik too. Which no one should ever find out. I'm glad he could just move on from what we did, even after he told me that he really loved me in that sexual, being together way. He seems to be doing just fine with what happened and his feelings though. He really needed someone in his life that he could love and be with.

He was never one to really date. He's kind of like Caleb in a way, just hookups and one night stands. Was that a good thing? No, because someone always got hurt with those. But was a real relationship much better? People always get hurt in those too. Maybe the road my life was going down wasn't going to be a good choice. I just had to roll with it and see where it went before I jumped to any conclusions.

A nurse walked in and I heard her say, "You can go home today." A smile formed on Erik's face, stretching ear to ear. He tried to get out of the bed, but he was still hooked up to machines. Aaron held him back, but that didn't keep him from falling out of the bed and falling flat on his face.

It wasn't funny, at least not to me, but everyone in the room bust into hysterical laughter. They just couldn't help it though, it was just the way he went down. "Erik, are you okay?" I managed to ask through my growing laughter.

He stood up, still hooked up and eyed us all seriously. "Do you think I'm alright? That shit fucking hurt!" The face he made, made us all laugh harder. "Get me off these things, I want to go home."

The nurse disconnected him from everything he was hooked up to and told him he could get dressed and to sign out at the front desk once he was done.

The only one who left the room was Mikala. I handed him some clothes that I had brought from home and he changed into them.

Aaron looked at Erik's naked body when he took the hospital gown off. The way he looked at him, I had seen that look before.

When I was with Caleb, I made that same expression...

**A/N: Yes I know being gay is not a choice. When I said he chose to live that way, I meant he chose to give into what/who he was into.**

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