Brotherly Love

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Eriks P.O.V

It hurt like hell to sit and watch Daniel make out with Caleb. Ive known for awhile that I felt more than brotherly love for my brother, but I wasn't telling him that. I couldn't even believe everyone knew I was gay!

Daniel and I have always been close, so I wasn't surprised that my feelings for him were more than they were supposed to be. I loved him. I loved him so much. Being able to touch him and kiss his lips in that way was like being in heaven. To me, it felt right.

Everything about last night felt right to me and if I was given a second chance to do it all over again, I would do it exactly the same way. Maybe even minus Caleb.

I wanted nothing more than to be Caleb. To be able to kiss Daniel's lips whenever I wanted. To have him pull my body so close to his and kiss me with passion. To run his hands all over my body...

I was so lost in my thoughts when I heard Caleb say, "Bye Erik."

I had no idea what just happened. My mind was getting the best of me. "What just happened?"

Daniel shook his head and got out of his seat. "Nothing." he walked to his room and slammed the door shut.

What the hell did I miss? I asked myself.

I went to his door and knocked. "Daniel, are you ok? I have no idea what just happened, but I'm here for you. If you need to talk, I'm here, I'm always here."

He didn't answer but I could hear him crying softly. I turned away from his door and grabbed my keys off the table and went to the front door. I needed something to get my head off of all this. I pulled my phone out, shutting the door and getting into my car, I dialed it.

"Aarron, are you busy?"

Daniel's P.O.V.

I sat on my bed crying. I was such an idiot! I knew I was messing up my chances with this amazing guy who was right in front of me! But I did the right thing, I could never leave Mikala, let alone be openly gay, and that's what he wanted. And how could I ask him to keep our relationship a secret? I couldn't. He wouldn't. I did the right thing by telling him that, I was sure of it.

I looked at my clock beside my bed, it was only 6:42. I laid alone, my head on my pillow with only my thoughts for company, until I finally felt comfortable enough to fall asleep asleep.

Caleb's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe I left that way. Daniel seemed so different. I understood that he had a girlfriend, but I couldn't understand why he couldn't be gay? Openly gay anyway. He was the most beautiful being in the world, even more beautiful than myself, I admitted in my mind. I knew he could change his mind. He would come after me, I knew he would, I hoped he would.

I finally pulled up into my driveway half an hour later. Shutting the truck off I got out and walked into my house. There was noise coming from the kitchen. I knew Randy was here.

Randy is one of my repeating "fun times" and also my best friend. We've known either since high school though. He was a closet gay until we started hanging out. I helped him tell his parents and we've been friends ever since.

"Hey Randy." I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey cutie." he said turning away from the stove to look at me.

He skipped over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Where have you been all day?" He gave a little play pout.

"Just around." I moved to see what he was cooking.

"Oh, sit down and tell me all about it. I've only seen that face on you once. Years ago. So spill buddy, what is his name? Where did you meet him?" he pulled out two chairs side by side. He took a seat and I moved to sit next to him.

I knew he would have great advice, that's why I even bothered to have a seat in the first place.

"His name is Daniel. Of course I met him last night at the movies. Like I meet all of my men." I laughed. "Anyway he's eighteen and he has a twin brother, Erik. They both ended up here last night and well I don't need to go into details, but he looks like a God and I think I may actually really like him. Like, like him."

I put my head down.

"But he has a girlfriend and he said, "He can't be openly gay, that his parents would kill him". His brother is gay and his parents know and don't seem to care, but he thinks that his parents would care if he was. I was just over there when he told me that and I got so mad at him, I told him that if he ever decided if I was worth his time or not, to text me or he knew where to find me. I just, I don't know what to do."

Randy sat in bewilderment, "Well first of all, we need some good fruity drinks before we get any further."

He got out of his seat and went to the cabinets that held some hard liquor. He added watermelon to one glass and strawberries to another glass, then topped them both off with vodka.

Yes, that's his idea of a "fruity" drink. He sat one in front of me and took his seat again next to me, with his drink in hand.

"Caleb.." He started. "I know exactly what you need to do. Put your trust in me and let me guide you to your new found love life."

He put his hand out for me to grab as if he expected us to skip into my "new found love life" so easily.

I laughed and put my hand in his. "What is it that I need to do other than put my trust in you?"

He stood up, our hands still together and told me to just trust him. If Randy's idea worked, I would be a whole new man and if it didn't, well, I felt as if my chance to find love and be happy would be gone forever.

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