Not for a week

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Calebs P.O.V

"What?!" Daniel raised his voice.

I knew this wasn't a good idea but it needed to be out there. I had to tell him what was going on. From the very beginning...

"Will you take a ride with me, please?" I practically begged. I never begged, I didn't expect him to know that though. He'd only met me a couple of days ago. So he didn't understand how important this was.

He just stood there staring at me. "No! What the hell do you mean he was out seeing you last night? Why the hell was he doing that?"

"Daniel, you need to calm down. Let's take this outside at least." I pointed towards the double doors that led outside.

"Fine." He said leading the way. I followed behind him until we got outside, then I continued to walk towards my truck. Surprisingly he followed me without saying a word. When we reached my truck, I got in and sat on the driver's side while he jumped into the passenger seat.

"Look, when I was in high school, I fell in love with this guy, Aaron. We were pretty good friends, the only problem was he was straight. I told him I loved him and we had sex.

"We had sex a lot actually, but one day he just decided that he didn't want us to continue what it was that we were doing. I didn't see a problem in what we did, I thought he had started to have feelings for me, but he said he just couldn't do it anymore.

"My heart was so broken when he broke it off. I actually loved him and all I was good for was sex. He was still straight, just enjoyed being fucked by a boy. Well I haven't loved someone since then. I have just had hook ups and booty calls, but I have never left room for myself to get hurt again, to love anyone like I loved him.

"When I met you, I knew you were different. I was going to just brush it off since I had only met you, but when I had to come by and bring you your phone, I knew that I couldn't. You seemed... right to me. I actually let you get to me, I fell for you Daniel." I took a pause and looked his way. He had been looking at me the whole time.

"Yesterday I realized what I was doing, and I came to the conclusion that it had to stop. My feelings for you had to stop. I wanted someone to know what my decision was. I couldn't just stop with you and Erik and Mikala all together. I had to have someone hate me. Mikala hated me anyways because of what I did to her years ago. I just needed someone closer to you to hate me.

"So around eleven or twelve, I texted Erik and asked him to meet me. We met at the park by your house. I told him that I was leaving town. I told him I was moving in with my boyfriend, my high school love. I had my roommate Randy there with me in the shadows, I knew your brother saw him. That's what made it believable. He was so pissed Daniel. I lied, it was all a lie. I just had to distance myself from you.

"It's my fault Erik was out last night and it's my fault he was so pissed. I never thought- I never thought that this would happen. I was so selfish and I was only thinking of myself." He held my gaze the whole time. He never once looked away from me.

There were tears in his eyes and to be honest I wanted nothing more than to cry, but I had no right to cry. This was all my fault and I had to live with it. Forever.

"Caleb-" Daniel began. "Why? Why couldn't you just love me and let me love you?"

I was at a loss of words. He should of been yelling and screaming at me and hitting me, telling me it was all my fault and he never wanted to hear from me or see me again.

"I didn't want to fall for you! I didn't want there to be a chance that you would or could break my heart. I thought that if I broke yours, you wouldn't be able to break mine. I didn't want you to decide that one day you didn't want me anymore."

He moved closer to me, "Caleb, I will always want you."

He was so close to me now. He leaned his forehead against mine and stared at my lips. He enclosed the space that was left between us.

His hand found the back of my head and my hands grabbed his sides. This kiss, was so passionate, it was so right. His tongue begged for entry into my mouth and I gladly have it to him.

My tongue explored his mouth as his explored mine. I never wanted this kiss to end, but it ended almost as soon as it started.

Daniel's phone rang and he pulled back. "That's my mom's ringtone." He explained.

He pulled it out of his pocket and answered, "Mom, thank God you're calling me back. Where are you?"

I could hear a faint voice answer, "We are still in Chicago, our trip got extended for a few days. Why did you call so many times?"

"Mom, Eriks in the hospital. He was in a severe car accident and he's in a coma... the doctors don't know if he's going to wake up." I decided to get out of the truck and give them some privacy. I shut the door quietly and paced back and forth until Daniel got out of the truck. He looked really pissed off.

"They won't be here for a week!" He cried. "They said there is nothing they can do for him and they need to be there for their job."

What kind of people were they? I pulled him into a hug and we walked hand and hand back into the hospital, where we waited for more news.

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