Sex God

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Picture is Erik** (Eyes are contacts in the picture. ^.^

Daniels P.O.V

About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. I ran to open it since Eric had gotten in the shower after I had gotten out. I thought it was going to be Caleb, but it was Mikala. My girlfriend...

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"We had plans today. To go eat lunch with my parents. We planned this last month Daniel." she scolded.

Ah shit. I had totally forgotten about that. Mikala and I have been together for 2 years, since the beginning of Junior year. Our parents were pretty dead set on us getting married. We had both just finished our senior year of high school a few months back and we were supposed to meet her parents today to talk about wedding plans. 

"Something important came up Kala. I won't be able to go with you today. I'm so sorry." I lied, not sure what it was that I was apologizing for exactly. Lying to her, cheating on her with a boy and my brother or just flat out not loving her anymore. 

I wasn't sorry, because I hated her parents. They were always so snooty. Plus, I haven't really been into Mikala since the end of last summer, but my parents forced me to stay with her.

"Daniel, I know you don't like my parents, but you love me and I love you, so I need you to get along with them as much as you can. Especially since we're getting married soon."

She had no idea about the way I truly felt about her anymore, but I couldn't just come out and tell her how I really felt. 

"No seriously Kala, I have very important things to take care of. I was just heading out the door." I stepped out and shut the front door behind me and walked to her car with her trailing right beside me. "Tell them to reschedule. I'll make it next time. I promise." I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips.

She got into her car and said, "You know they're going to be upset that you can't make it today." she started her car and drove off, not even awaiting a response.

Maybe I wasn't fully gay, but even if I wasn't, I wouldn't stay with her. Yes she was the most popular girl in school and yes I was an emo boy, I guess we shouldn't of been together in the first place, so I should of been "greatful". She was beautiful and really smart, not your average popular girl. She didn't have one flaw about her, but she just wasn't the girl for me. Well the right sex for me either I guess.

I never in a million years thought I would be gay. I never in a million years thought I would have sex with my twin brother. Yet one boy, one random boy I met at the movies changed all of that. Caleb.

As I walked back to my front door there was a honk from the street in front of my house. It was Calebs truck. I stood on my porch waiting for him as he got out of his truck and ran across the road, heading towards me with something in his hand. My cell phone.

"Thank you so much for bringing this to me. I would of met you somewhere closer to you for it though." I thanked him. 

He smiled, "It was no trouble cutie. Turns out I was coming this way anyway."

"Oh." I said. "Well thank you again. And thanks for uhh..last night, just in case I didn't say that earlier."

"That was definitely no problem either." he handed me my phone.

"So, maybe I'll see you around? Again?" I laughed softly. I was a really bad flirt, with girls and now with guys. I could never get a break. 

He stepped closer to me. "I actually put my number in your phone under "Sex God"."

I laughed out loud this time. "It fits you well."

I looked to the ground as he moved even closer to me. So close I had to step back until I hit the front door. "You're different." he whispered so low I almost didn't hear. "I would like for you to go on an actual date... with me..."

He trapped my head between his hands, staring right into my eyes, as if that was going to help me make up my mind. 

"Tomorrow night. I'll pick you up here. 7 o'clock." he put his hands down and walked back to his truck without waiting for a response. He jumped into his truck and drove away.

"Did that really just happen?" I asked myself out loud.

"Yes, yes it did brother." I heard Erik say from behind me.

I was thinking so hard that I hadn't even heard the door open behind me. I turned around and Erik was just standing there looking at me like he had just lost his best friend. What the hell was I going to do?

I stepped inside the house and shut the door. Walking over to the couch Erik handed me another soda. "What am I going to do Erik? I'm with Mikala. Plus our parents would fucking kill me if they found out I was gay! You, not so much. Everyone knows about you."

"Are you serious?" he asked with his mouth gaping open.

"Yes. I am dead serious." I admitted. 

"How is it I'm gay and everyone else is keeping it from me that they know?" He asked. 

I laughed at him. "We knew you would tell us when you were ready to tell us."

He had a blank look on his face. "Well why would they not care about me being gay, but kill you if you were?" he interrogated.

"I have the "perfect girl" and a scholarship. They would say, "You're just throwing your life away." And that's the nice way to put it."

Just then my phone rang. It was my parents. I should of known that Mikalas parents would of called mine. What was my excuse? I had no idea. I answered the phone frightened that my voice would give something away.

"Hello. Mom..?"

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