The Last Time

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**There is going to be 2 different point of views in this chapter. I got a comment earlier about not doing it, but I really want to show how both characters feel. Please enjoy.**

Daniel's P.O.V

We pull into the mall parking lot and see a parking spot right in front. I'm fixing to pull into it when a truck coming from the other way cuts in front of me. Forcing me to slam on my brakes. "Asshole!" I yell out of my open window.

Erik, in the front seat, flipped him off and Randy was just sitting in the back seat, looking like nothing had happened.

I brushing it off of my shoulder and drove around trying to find another close-ish parking spot. Luckily I found one. I made sure that no one was around to cut me off and pulled into it, shutting my car off we all jumped out and went into the mall.

"Which store is first?" Randy asks.

"Well I could really use some new high tops." Erik says.

"Well lead the way." I say pushing Erik in front of us.

He leads the way to Journey's. He loves that store. The only place he gets his shoes ever since we were like 12.

When we get there I see a familiar face. Not exactly a face I wanted to see, but I saw it anyway.

"I think I'm going to hang out out here." I say making sure he didn't see me. I take a seat on a bench that sits directly in front of the store.

Randy followed my eyes and saw who I was looking at. "Well this is awkward. Do you want me to sit out here with you?" Randy asks.

"No," I say, "I'll be fine. Just got help Erik." Erik looks at me and looks back at the store.

"I'll won't be long." He promises and they dissappear into the store.

I try to avoid looking inside but all the while I want to stare at the guy who was in my boyfriends room only a few days ago. I think his name is Chris if I remember correctly.

I made a mistake and let my eyes wonder. My eyes met his and he suddenly looked pissed after obviously remembering who i am.

He puts the box of shoes down that he once held in his hands and walked out of the store.

He was now standing in front of me. "Well I was hoping I'd see you again." He hisses at me.

I stand up and tower over him. I wasn't exactly tall, but I was much taller than him only being 5' 10.

"I was really hoping I wouldn't see you again." I snear back.

"Caleb will be mine again. I know that he hadn't gotten over me, I mean how could he? I'm gorgeous and you're just some little kid." He so rudely states.

I wanted nothing more than to punch this little cunt in the face.

"Caleb is my boyfriend now, not yours. You lost him because you weren't good enough for him. He's a great person and you just treated him like shit. I can't care how long he was out of town, if you loved him, you wouldn't of done what you did.

"Caleb will never want to be with you again. I may not be perfect, but I sure as hell wouldn't hurt him just for a booty call. You're pathetic and you deserve nothing but to suck a dick and choke." I spit at him.

He really had me hyped up. I wasn't usually such an ass, but this guy really deserved it.

"You'd better watch your back little boy. I will fuck you up so bad that Caleb won't even want to be with you. He likes it when I fuck his tight ass, hard and fast. No one can compare to me and he told me that." He let a small cocky smile show on his face.

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