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Eriks P.O.V.

We pulled up behind Daniel and Mikala. It was a nice looking house. I mean I had seen it but I when I saw it it was dark out, but I wasn't really paying attention to the house then, I was thinking about the guys on the inside.

Aaron shut the car off and opened his door to get out. Before he could get completely out, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back in. "This was great and I hope we can still be best friends."

He smiled his big happy smile, "Of course. I wouldn't stop being friends with you for the world."

I let go of his arm and he jumped out, shutting the car door. I went to open my door when I noticed someone trying to open it. It was Randy, Calebs friend. I unlocked the door and he opened it for me.

He wasn't a bad looking guy. I knew he was gay, that wasn't a secret, so who knows, maybe we could end up as something.

I threw a smile his way, "Thanks cutie." He blushed and said, 'no problem.'

Daniel and Mikala were leaning against the car talking to Caleb. Aaron had already joined them, so that left me standing here with Randy. I held my hand out for him to shake.

He grabbed it, giving it a little squeeze. "It's nice to officially meet you. I'm Erik."

I gave his hand a little squeeze as well. "I'm Randy. It'll be nice having other people around the house. Believe it or not, it can get pretty boring with just the two of us."

He let my hand go and stepped back a little to give me my space. "Oh trust me, I know that more than you'd think." He kind of chuckled.

"Get over here Erik." Caleb called to me.

Randy and I walked over to where everyone else was standing. Caleb pulled me into a gentle hug and whispered in my ear.  "I'm really sorry."

He let me go and all I could think about was why he was apologizing to me. Everyone piled into the semi-big house, one right after another.

Aaron and Mikala took their seats on a love seat in the middle of the living room, Randy sat in a chair on the right side of that and Caleb and Daniel day on the long couch that was facing the love seat.

There was a single chair on the left side of the love seat, which is where I sat down.

"We're pretty excited to have some new faces around here. Caleb can sometimes get a bit ugly to look at." Randy joked.

"Hey, at least I make noise when I enter a room or come home, unlike you." He laughed and turned his body so that Daniel could lay into his arms.

"He makes no noise. It's like you're in a room alone, or so you think, and then BOOM, you turn around and there he is. No warning, no nothing. He scares the shit out of me a lot." Caleb finished.

Everyone laughed, including me. I had to admit that there wasn't a lot of time when we weren't laughing at something. We were a bunch of happy kids.

I say kids as if we're actually kids. I mean we are so to speak, but then we're not.

Caleb and Randy kept going at each other,  telling one story after another. I just laid back and thought about what life was going to be like.

Daniel and I were pretty much living on our own already, with the occasional company of our parents, but now we were moving in with two guys that we had really just met.

I liked Caleb and Randy, at least so far I did, but I knew this was a big change and it would probably take a toll, at least on myself that is.

I knew I didn't take change very well and this was a big jump for me. But Daniel was right, I couldn't stay at my parents house anymore. I felt, well, trapped, even if they were never really there.

My hands were bound together in my lap and when I finally stopped staring at them and looked up, I caught Randy looking at me. Our eyes locked and I just couldn't take mine off of him.

He tossed a smile and a nod my way. I could feel myself blushing. I laid my head back against the back of the chair and closed my eyes breaking our shared glance. Even though I was kept in a bed most of the time in the hospital, I was still so tired.

I must of drifted off because the next thing I knew I was waking up in a room I hadn't seen before. I could feel someone laying next to me in the bed. I lifted my body up so I could see who it was. And to my surprise it was Randy.

What time was it and why was I laying in a bed with Randy?

I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out. It was 2:19am. Had I really been out that long? I must of been so out of it, especially since someone moved me in here.

Randy flipped over onto his side so that he was facing me. He looked so cute when he slept.

Not that he wasn't cute awake, because he was. Maybe a little too cute. His eyes fluttered open and stared right at me.

"Your bedroom hasn't been cleaned out or set up yet, so they had me put you in my room for the time being." He explained. "I hope that's not a problem."

I shook my head. "No. Of course not."

"Good." He whispered shutting his eyes. He put his arm over my body that way we were sort of cuddling.

I noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. His warm skin felt amazing on mine.

I had just realized that I didn't have a shirt on either. Someone took it off and I had a pretty good idea on who that was.


He was so trying to set me up with Randy. I couldn't believe I didn't see this coming. It was completely naive of me but I rather appreciated it right now. I had to remember to thank him later.

I didn't think about anything anymore because I closed my eyes and fell asleep wrapped up in Randy's arm, comfortable and relaxed...

The most relaxed I had felt since the night I ended up in the hospital.

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