My Girlfriend, My Boyfriend

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Daniel's P.O.V

"I left my phone at the theater last night, so I had to go back and see if someone had turned it in and what do you know, they did." I lied my ass off.

"You could of done that on the way to meet her parents!" my mother shouted through the phone. "You already have it and you can still make this lunch with them. So you had better get your ass down there now!"

I knew she wasn't happy but I really didn't care. I was tired of listening to them. "Mom, I'm not going. You know I don't even want to marry her." I pleaded.

There was silence then she replied. "I don't care what you want. You are not throwing your life away just because you don't "love" Mikala anymore. I didn't marry your father because I loved him; my parents wanted me to marry him and here we are, two kids later and we are happily married. Now, get down there." she talked off. "I love you."

She hung up the phone. I knew I had no choice in the matter. I had to go. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door to my car. Starting it up, I rolled away to the worst day of my life.

Once I got to the restaurant, I hurriedly ran to the table I knew they would be at, only because they sat at the same table every time they came here. Of course, there they were looking at menus. I walked up and took a seat next to Mikala.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I had to go to the theater and see if I left my phone there last night."

Mikala gave me the dirtiest look. Like seriously, if looks could kill. "I thought we discussed that you weren't going to the movies alone anymore. Is that why you didn't answer any of my calls or texts last night?"

"I thought we decided that I can go on Friday night's alone. It's my free time from everyone and everything." I thought for a minute. "And yes, that is why I didn't answer at all last night." Obviously that wasn't the reason for last night, but today while my phone was left with Caleb.

Her parents just stared at us. "For being in love, you two don't really seem like it."

Anyone could tell that her parents were in love. The way that they looked at each other and the way they moved together. It's like they were one. Mikala and I used to be so in love. I honestly don't know what happened but I just didn't love her anymore. I wouldnt say I'm in love with Caleb, but he was something new altogether. He was a guy for one, plus he was a "Sex God", and he just seemed, I don't know, different.

Mikala was talking to her parents about the flowers that would sit as center pieces on the tables when my phone first started buzzing. I looked down at it under the table.

'I can't stop thinking about you.'

It was Caleb. I didn't reply because I didn't want attention brought to who I was texting and why. But my phone kept vibrating.

'You're going to love what I have planned for tomorrow.'

'Wink, wink.'

I broke down and replied, 'I can't wait. :3'

I had the stupidest grin on my face and everyone else must of noticed it too, because Mikala looked down at my hand and asked, "Who are you texting?"

I quickly locked my phone and shoved it into my pocket. "No one, just a friend." I didn't look at my phone the rest of the lunch, but it continued to vibrate close to my friend.

I didn't really pay attentionn to what they were talking about, I just answered with the occasional yes, that'd be great, sounds good. I was so relieved when I got home, but I was very surprised to see Calebs truck on the street in front of my house for the third time today. What was he doing here? Again...

I walked into the house and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. I walked in and there was Erik and Caleb sitting around the bar, drinking sodas and talking.

"What are you two talking about?" I pulled up a chair on the other side of the table.

Erik smirked, "You."

"Of course." I looked to Caleb with butterflies in my stomach. "What are you even doing here?"

He didn't answer, he just got off of his seat and stepped to me, leaning down, he was so close to my face. I couldn't stop looking at those lips. They were so soft and inviting.

"You don't have to stare.." he whispered moving his mouth to my ear, grazing my earlobe with his lips. He pulled back so he could look into my eyes and enclosed those few inches between our lips.

He kissed me so softly, unlike last night. Last night it was rough and lust filled, but today it was passionate. I pulled his body closer to mine as his hands wound themselves in my hair.

I knew I had to tell him about Mikala. I had to tell him that we could never be anything. But his kiss and his body felt so right to me. I finally pulled away from him. "Caleb..." I breathed. He moved his mouth to my neck, nipping at my collar bone once again. It felt so good. "Caleb. I uhh... I have a girlfriend."

He pulled away from me and sat in a chair next to me. "Oh, I know."

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"I saw you kiss that girl when she left, just before I got here. I was parked at the wrong house. I saw everything." He put his head down.

"But you still asked me out?"

"It's just a date. I wanted to get to know you more. See where things would or may lead. I don't usually do this. You seem...different though. So I had to take a chance."

I wasn't the only one who felt this way. He actually felt the same way about me. The butterflies in my stomach were going nuts with this newly found insight.

"But Caleb, I can't be open about gay. My parents would kill me. And I can't do whatever this is with you and still stay with Mikala. I don't love her but I have to stay with her. I have no choice."

He stood up from his seat and walked towards the front door, "When you decide if I'm worthy of your time or even if you decide that I'm not, text me, or you know where to find me. Bye Erik."

The butterflies in my stomach were gone and they were replaced with spiders that felt like they were tearing my insides out. What was I going to do?

I had only met this guy last night and in that time I developed feelings for him, I did sexual things with my twin brother that I never thought I would do and now I can't get Caleb out of my mind.

He has questioning myself about defying my parents and running away just to be with him.

At this moment, I wasn't sure about what I was going to do, but I did know that I wanted to be with Caleb.

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