Never the same

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Mikala’s P.O.V.

I knocked on the hospital room door, awaiting a reply, but no reply came.

I opened the door as quietly as possible and tip-toed in. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were both asleep on the couch and Erik lay quietly on his bed, playing with his phone. I made a little noise so he would know that I was there. Once he saw me, he tossed me a smile and motioned for me to take a seat in the chair next to his bed.

“Hey.” I whispered. “I brought you that man food you wanted.” I said holding the bag of food up.

His smile got bigger. “Thanks again for this. I’ve avoiding eating this food since I woke up.” He pointed to the trey of food sitting on the nurse’s counter.

I dug in the bag and handed him what I got. A double bacon cheeseburger and fries from Sonic. That was the only fast food restaurant still open this late this close to the hospital. I tossed the empty bag into the trash and took a seat. “It’s not much, but I hope you enjoy it.”

“I appreciate you bringing me anything at all, you didn’t have to.” He said shoving multiple fries into his mouth.

“Sorry that it’s so late though. I got caught up with my parents. They want me to find a place of my own. They set up appointments to go look at houses tonight. So it was just really bad timing, but I’m glad that you are going to be fine. Oh and sorry about my mother earlier, she doesn’t seem to get that it’s impolite to talk about people’s sexuality.” I leaned in close to his bed so he could hear me.

He let out a soft laugh. “Don’t worry about it. It’s just something that I am going to have to get used to. It’s my life style and I know I’m going to hear about it a lot, so it’s really all good. I just didn’t realize that everyone knew.” He took a huge bite of his burger. “This is really good. Thank you.”

I nodded in response.

“So how did house hunting go?” he asked.

“Well not so good. They loved all of the house that we looked at, but for me they were either too big or too small. If I’m going to live on my own, I want a house that I am happy with, if you know what I mean?” I explained.

“Oh, I know what you mean.” He winked. “Aaron; your new play toy, has an extra room in his house that the little shit doesn’t even use. I’m sure he would be more than happy to let you crash there until you find a place that you like.”

I felt a small awkward smile form on my face, but I hoped it was too dark for Erik to see. He didn’t let on that he saw it if he did. “Oh really now?”

“Yep. If you would like I could ask him about it tomorrow?” he offered.

“That would be really great. Would you please?”

“Anything for you, but only because you brought me some delicious ass food.” We both laughed.

“Well good thing my father offered my assistance then huh?” we laughed a little harder and his mom moved in her sleep. “Maybe I should get out of here, so I don’t wake them.”

“No.” he shook his head. “I mean, please stay and keep me company?”

“Sure.” I smiled at him. “So what do you plan on doing once you get out of here?” I asked.

“Well Daniel has ever so nicely moved both of our things into Caleb and Randy's house. Daniel moved everything today so I'm sure he’s already there and once I’m out of here that’s where I’m going. And surprisingly, our parents are okay with it. They’re even okay with Daniel being gay!”

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