Trauma Care

397 22 11

Daniel's P.O.V

Why was Erik even out that late? I was replaying the words in my head...

'Is this Daniel Cooper?' Someone was asking through the phone.

I sleepily said yes.

'This is Goodlark Hospital. We need you to come down here please.' the lady replied.

I sat up in bed. 'Why do I need to go up there?'

'Sir, I'm calling about Erik Cooper. He's been in a severe car crash. We can give you more details in person.'

'I'll be there soon.' I answered in a whisper and hung up my phone.

I finally brought myself to reality, grabbing my shoes I ran from the kitchen to my car. Starting the engine I hurriedly backed out of the driveway and rushed to the hospital.

Why was he out that late? I knew I shouldn't of said what I said to him. He was my best friend, my brother and I didn't mean to hurt him in any way. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. He was all I had.

I finally pulled into the hospital lot, parking my car I rushed inside to the front desk. "I'm here for Erik Cooper." I told the nurse behind the counter.

She pulled open a book that laid in front of her and skimmed it over.

"He's in Trauma Care. He can't have any visors at the moment. If you have a seat, the doctor will be with you shortly to talk to you."

"Trauma Care? Is he going to okay?" A single tear ran down my face.

"Only the doctor can tell you that sir."

I backed away from the counter and took a seat in a chair on the opposite wall. Where the hell were my parents? They were supposed to be home yesterday. I took out my cell phone and dialed my mother's number.

Straight to voicemail.

I dialed my father's number next. Again, straight to voicemail. Where the hell were they? I dialed the next number that popped into my head without even thinking. Calebs.

It rang once, twice, three times, then he answered. "Hello." I could tell that I had woken him up, but of course I did it wasn't even 3 in the morning.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I didn't know who else to call..."

"Who is this?" He questioned.

Did he delete my number? "It's Daniel?"

"Oh shit." He mumbled. "What's going on?"

I was starting to wonder if I called the right person. "Erik is in the hospital. He was in a-a car wreck. He's in Trauma Care and I can't get a hold of my parents and I didn't know who else to call."

"What hospital?" He asked sounding worried.

I answered, "Goodlark." He said he'd be here in 20 minutes and hung up the phone. I tried to call my parents both one more time. Maybe they were on the plane still. I reassured myself.

I layed my head back onto the chair and let my eyes close.

"Daniel Cooper?" someone asked near me.

I jerked up to see a doctor. "Yes sir, that is me."

He took a seat next to me. "Are your parents here?" He questioned. I shook my head no. "Well then, Erik is in Trauma Care. He was hit by a diesel truck earlier this morning. He has blood force trauma to his head and lots of broken bones. He's in a coma..." He trailed off.

The tears just fell from my eyes. I buried my face in my hands. What if he never wakes up? What am I going to do?

The doctor put his hand on my back. "Son, he may never wake up. We are doing all we can to help him. Do you think you can call your parents?"

I forced myself to look at him. "I've called them both a couple of times, it just goes to voicemail. They've been out of town for weeks, they were supposed to be coming home yesterday." I explained to him. "When can I see my brother?"

He stood up and answered, "As soon as he's out of Trauma Care. Once they are done making sure the rest of his body is okay, they will move him to the ICU, you can see him then." I nodded and he walked away.

Not even 5 minutes later Caleb walked into the hospital. I rushed over to pull him into a hug. Without even thinking of it, I pulled my lips to his. He kissed me back and pulled me closer, until I pulled away from him. I backed away a few inches shocked at what I did. He looked just as shocked as I felt.

"So how is Erik doing?" He questioned.

"He's in Trauma Care. They don't know if he will ever wake up. They're going to move him to the ICU soon and I can't get a hold of my parents. They were supposed to be back yesterday."

"Daniel. I am so sorry. This is all my fault." He said walking closer to me.

"This isn't your fault! He went out late on his own. Why would this be your fault?" I couldn't believe Caleb was trying to take the blame for this.

"Daniel, Erik, he-he was out seeing me just a few hours ago..."

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