A Little of Calebs Past

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Daniel's P.O.V

"I'm glad that this looks like a good idea." I told Caleb. "It looks like they are really hitting it off."

We had already removed our shirts and gotten into bed when Caleb decided to respond.

"I'm glad too. Randy has been wanting something real with someone for quiet some time now. I know that Erik isn't one for relationships, but I think it may just work between those two."

He was right. Erik had never been one for relationships. I don't think it's because it's not his style, but he just gets hurt easily. I don't blame him for that choice. I'm just ecstatic that he can finally be himself with people.

He needs someone good in his life other than me. He needed someone to be able to trust, to be able to open up to, and someone to love and care for.

Caleb wasn't much for cuddling, so we just laid on our own sides of the bed. It took everything in me not to reach my arm over to his side and just pull him close to me.

But I managed to refrain myself.

Caleb was, well he's amazing. Our relationship is definitely different than I thought it would be, but I think that's a good thing. I still wasn't used to this, but the more time I spent with him, the more comfortable I got with being who I am.

"Hey Caleb?"

"Yeah babe?" I loved it even he called me babe, it made me feel like we were real.

"Why don't you open up more about you?" I began. "I mean I've notice your uhm, your scars." I buried my head in the pillow once I had said it.

I couldn't take it back and at this moment I wished I could. He didn't answer right away, just took a deep breath and laid there quietly.

Time went on which seemed like forever before he stated, "When I was younger, about 8, my dad started coming home drunk almost every night. It started as petty things, like smacking me or yelling and cussing at me for no reason.

"But as I got older, it got worse. My mom died when I was 9, she had killed herself. She did it while I was at school and my dad was at work. When I came home after school I found her body dangling from the ceiling fan in the kitchen. She had cut her wrists before hanging herself.

"My dad of course blamed it on me. After that he started coming into my room late at night..." He stopped talking and turned his face to mine.

"You don't have to do this Ca-." He interrupted me.

"If I refused him or disobeyed him, he would take a knife and press it into my body. Sometimes my chest, sometimes my back. It just depended on his mood. Most nights I did whatever it was he wanted me to do, but sometimes I just couldn't take it.

"This went on until I was 16. I met Randy when I was 14 and we started hanging out a lot. I helped him come out to his parents and his parents kind of caught on to me and what happened, he convinced his parents to let me move in with them.

"I've lived with Randy ever since. He's my best friend and he was there for me when no one else was. That Is my story and that's how I got my scars." He hung his head down and I saw a single tear run down his face.

"That is why I don't like people touching me, especially in bed. It's nothing against you, I just haven't overcome my past yet." He grabbed his wrists and continued.

"I've cut myself since I was 15. I have scars from that too, they just aren't as noticeable, but they are part of my scars." He had sat up while talking and I did the same.

"I am not perfect Daniel and I don't try to be, but I have a lot of baggage from my past and I can't change it. So if you can't love me after th-." This time I interrupted him.

"Caleb. I love you no matter what your past is like. I don't care if you were covered with scars. You are who you are because of the things that have happened to you and while I wish I could take all of that pain away, I damn sure love the man you are today." I held his hand in mine on my knee.

Another tear ran down his face. "Daniel. I think I love you." He said holding his head down.

Did he really just say that he thought he loved me? I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. Me of all fucking people!

Did I love him back? I had no idea yet. I know I really liked him, but was I ready to say the big L word?

What if he hurt me? What if I was just a faze of his? What if he kept me around until he didn't want me anymore?

'Daniel, he just told you really personal things about him and his past. He opened up to you when he didn't want or have to. He loves you and you know you love him back.' I fought my own brain.

"Caleb. I-..."

*Sorry for such a short chapter, but I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far. Leave me comments and let me know what you think. Thanks everyone for the support. Love you guys! ♡♡*

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