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Caleb’s P.O.V

"I can not believe this is happening to me. To us." I say holding Daniel's hand that's folded on his lap.

Chris was crazy and I knew it. He has broken into the house before and he's destroyed it while we were gone.

It looked like he did a pretty bang up job this time as well. The furniture was toppled over and things were thrown around in every room, including the bed rooms and kitchen.

He didn't play around, but I could never shake him. It died down for awhile, well until Daniel and I found him in my room naked, laying on my bed. That was the first time I'd seen him in months.

We had dated for over a year. I ended it last year when I found him cheating on me. I knew he was a little psycho when we dated, but I over looked it.

First, he started to texting and calling me all the time wanting to know where I was and who I was with. This was petty to me since I knew what it was like to be in love.

Then, he started showing up to my work. My boss didn't like it either, but since he was a 'paying customer' there was nothing we could do about it. Again, I just brushed it off as something semi-normal.

Next, he started accusing me of cheating on him. I, of course, had no time to cheat on him. I was always at work or with him. On occasion I would go out with friends.

But soon my friends stopped being my friends when he started pushing the limits.

He texted them. Always wanting to know where I was and what I was doing. It got to be too much for them and they bailed on me.

The only one who stuck around was Randy. He had to of course. I had lived with him at the time.

Chris had shown up one day at the house at 2 am, pounding on the door, asking why I wasn't answering his calls or texts. Well Randy was the one who answered the door and let's just say that it didn't end well on Chris's side.

Randy punch him and told him that he had better never show up at the house at this time again or he would break his nuts. Yeah, weird right? But it had been effective.

Chris seemed to be less controlling after that, so I decided to stay with him. We were trying to work out our problems. Well we finally decided to try moving in together.

I moved into his place and we even shared the same bed. He got the idea that I wasn't always by my phone when I wasn't with him, so he hardly ever texted or called anymore.

Then one day I came home early from work because I hadn't been feeling good. The front door was never locked so I just walked right in. I heard moaning coming from the bedroom, so I figured he was just jacking off.

I quietly made my way to the room so I could surprise him. I pushed the door open softly, but what I saw was not him jacking off.

I was face to face with him. He was bottom, getting his ass fucked by some really hot twink.

When he opened his eyes and noticed I was standing there pulled away from the hot guy and jumped to me.

He was saying something but I couldn't hear him. After all the shit we had worked out and this is what I come home to find.

I just turned on the balls of my feet and left the apartment. I didn't know what else to do.

I didn't know where to go. Randy was at work and all of my other friends had probably forgotten all about me. I didn't know where I was going, I was just going away from that house.

I wouldn't say I loved him, because in all honest, I didnt. Most of me was with him because I knew he would lose it if we broke up. I knew he was capable of some pretty crazy shit.

But this, this crossed a line. I wasn't going to stay and try to work things out with a lying, cheating fuck face.

That night I ended up sleeping in my car.

The next day I waited until I knew Chris was gone from the house and I went in and packed my things. Luckily I left just before he got home. I could only imagine the look on his face and the tantrum he threw when he realised; I was gone.

I moved back in with Randy and Chris started to break into our house and show up at all hours of the night, drunk and high. Begging me to take him back.

When I refused, he would threaten us and that almost always ending with a phone call to the police.

He wouldn't stop for nothing. The cops,  the threats, nothing stopped him from showing up or breaking in. Randy and I were actually scared, until one day, it just stopped. 6 months later and we were free from that psycho.

6 months, up until now. Now, when it really mattered...

Back to the present, I pulled Daniel close to my chest. Just holding him there. My hand on the back of his head, just holding him as close as I could. I let a single tear run down my face.

"I will keep you close and I will keep you safe. I love you." I found myself saying in my head.

But what if I couldn't keep Daniel safe? What of this ruined our relationship? What if he was to find out about the note that Chris left me?

What if the love of my life found out I would have to cheat on him to keep him safe?

*Last and final chapter. I hope you lovely people enjoyed the book. <3

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