My boyfriends brothers fuck buddy???

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Mikalas P.O.V

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I found out that Erik was there.  My parents had called Daniels parents, but they said there was nothing they could do to help their son, that they would only be in the way, so they are still out of town on business. I couldn't believe that when I heard it. They always seemed like good parents when they were around.

I walked up to the counter and told them Eriks name, hoping they would tell me right where he was, but no this wasn't going to be easy.

"What is your relationship to him?" the nurse behind the desk asked.

I should of known this was going to be difficult. "I'm his sister-in-law." She just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Do I look stupid to you?" she asked rudly.

"I really don't have time for this." I pulled my phone out and dialed Daniel's number. "The nurse at the front desk won't tell me where you guys are. Could you come up and get me please?"

He said he'd be down here soon and hung up. I smirked at the nurse and took a seat right in front of the desk where I could still angrily stare at her. She just gave me daggers back but I wasn't going to let her get me in a worse mood than I was already in.

I saw someone step in front of me. I looked up and saw Daniel. He turned to the lady at the counter and said, "This is my wife, she's with me."

Her eyes went wide and nodded in disbelief. "Go on back."

He grabbed my hand and led me with him to the elevator. "How is he doing?"

"He's doing good, considering." He looked at me and dropped my hand. It's been a week and my parents still aren't home. I've only heard from them twice since I told them. I just can't believe they wont be here for him. It may be the last time they see him alive, you know?"

I nodded in agreement. "In the past couple of years that I've known your parents, I have never seen or heard of them being this selfish. My parents are even kinda-" I whispered, "pissed."

And they were. They couldn't believe that the Coopers would do such a thing, but they heard it with their own ears. They planned on coming up here later, once they got off of work.

The elevator finally stopped and we walked down this long empty hallway. It looked like it was out of one of those horror movies. Daniel finally stopped in front of a room. 637. He slowly opened the door and I saw someone sitting on a small couch against the wall. We walked further in and I realized it was Caleb.

Daniel went straight for the spot next to Caleb and Caleb grabbed a hold of Daniel's hand. I had to admit, they were actually kind of cute together. I took a seat in a chair on the wall next to theirs.

"Hey Caleb." I said folding my hands together.

"Hey KayKay." I hadn't heard that name since I moved here. It felt good to hear it again.

"How long have you been here?" I asked making small talk.

He put his other hand around Daniel's back. "Ever since Daniel called me a week ago."

I didn't have a problem with gay or bisexual or lesbian people, but for some weird reason on this God forsaken Earth, I kept falling in love with them. I mean of course I'm mad and upset that I was cheated on with a guy and that guy just happened to be my ex best friend. But, if that's what was meant to happen, then it was meant to happen.

I loved them both. Not one more than the other, I loved them equally, and I knew I would never have them. Daniel must of caught a glimpse of my face because he let go of Calebs hand and got up. He kneeled in front of me and caught my face with his hand.

"You're the one that told me that everything happens for a reason. One day, you will find the one person who will love you and always love you. It may not be today or tomorrow, but one day, I promise, you will be happy." Just as he finished someone walked in the door.

Daniel turned to face the new addition to the room. "Hey Aaron. How are you doing?"

"I'm alright, I know I really have no business being in here, but I just wanted to check on him and see how he was holding up." He shut the door and sat in the last remaining chair.

Well this Aaron guy was really freaking hot. I've never met him or seen him, but I was almost positive he was straight, just the way he dressed gave off that vibe. He had muscles, I could see through his tight shirt, dark brown eyes, and blonde hair, spiked just to perfection.

Daniel sat back down by Caleb and they grabbed each other's hands again. They were like magnets pulling each other towards themselves. "He's doing okay. They still haven't been able to get a response out of him. They are almost positive that he's never going to wake up..." Daniel trailed off.

Caleb looked uneasy as soon as Aaron walked in the door.

The guy Daniel called Aaron looked pretty hurt, so to lighten the mood I did what any girl would do to a very attractive guy. I introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Mikala and who might you be?" I held out my hand, hoping he would grab it.

"I'm Aaron," he leaned forward and shook my hand softly. "I'm Eriks... friend."

"It's very nice to meet you." I eyed this boy candy up and down. Daniel cleared his throat and I got the picture. He wanted me to stop flirting with Aaron.

He was right about that, I needed to stop. I mean we were all here for Erik and I'm trying to get with his friend. But he was hot, who could blame me?

"Mikala, can I talk to you outside for a moment please?" Caleb said getting off the couch and heading to the door. He opened it and motioned for me to go out.

" Sure." I walked right out of the room as he slammed the door shut behind him.

"What the hell is your problem Mikala? Erik is in there dying! He may never wake up and you're in there flirting with my boyfriends brothers fuck buddy? That's just low Kaykay."

Wow, I was a little shocked at what just happened. For one he called Daniel his boyfriend, second, Aaron was Eriks fuck buddy. "So I guess you two made it official then?" I was a little hurt and yes I was being a bitch.

He looked really pissed off. "Mikala, this isn't about me and Daniel. This is about you trying to get with his "friend" while he's in the same room possibly dying! You are the exact same Mikala that you were back then. You haven't changed at all. Still so self centered."

He was right, I was so self centred back then and I didn't change. I just learned how to hide it better. He left me alone in the hallway and went back into the room. I couldn't believe what I did, what I was doing. The door opened again and Aaron stepped out of the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I nodded letting a tear fall from my eye. "I'm sorry for doing that in there. I shouldn't of flirted with you whether you're gay or not."

A smile spread across his face. "I'm not gay." He chuckled.

All that came out of my mouth was, "Oh."

He pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. "Give me your phone." He waited for me to hand it to him. "Put your number in, I'll put mine in." We gave each other our phones back and he left with a smile on his face. I opened the hospital room door and walked back in.

"Daniel, I'm so sor-" I had the worst timing ever. Caleb and Daniel were making out again. "Okay, I get it, I will check on you guys later." I said shutting the door and walking down the long hallway which was still empty, well at least until someone grabbed me and pulled me into a room...

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