New Feelings

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Picture is Daniel**

Daniel's P.O.V

"Thanks for the ride back to my car, but Erik really could of brought me home though." I said.

"It's really no problem. Consider it a thank you for the greatest fucking night of my life. Literally." Caleb replied with a smile on his face. I'm not gay, Well at least I wasn't until last night, but I had to admit Caleb was the hottest guy I had ever seen.

It wasn't only his looks that made him hot though, it was his attitude and mister meaner too.

"Well I'm glad I could help. Thank you for uhh... turning me gay?" I laughed. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. Getting out of his truck, I shut the door and said, "Well maybe I'll see you around."

I only wished the whole ride home that this wouldn't be the last time that I saw him.

"Yeah, maybe." Caleb said looking straight with no expression.

"Well bye." I walked to my car and got in. Digging in my jean pockets I found my car keys and started the car. I began to make my way to my house, left to my own thoughts.

I could not stop thinking about last night. I never thought I would be into boys, well guys, but that Caleb really knew what he was doing. I still could not believe Erik actually showed up last night and joined in. I knew he was gay, but I didn't think he would be into that kind of thing. To be honest, my twin was really hot. He doesn't really look like me, but he is hot.

He was emo, just like me, with black hair and snake bites but he's a little shorter than I am. I have blue eyes and he has dark eyes. We are both really tanned and fit and obviously he's gay. I've known this for awhile, as did my parents, but we weren't saying anything until he was ready to come out on his own. He's slept with all kinds of guys though. It's hard not to know when his room is right next to mine.

I hear every conversation, every moan, every heart break that he leaves his "hook ups" with.

Our parents are always out of town on business trips, which means they are practically never home, so we get away with so many things that it's not even funny.

Erik has boys over all the time. Sometimes we get so drunk off our assess that we don't even remember the night before. Getting drunk and forgetting the night before doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it does. I chuckled lowly to myself.

Finally, pulling into my driveway I see Erik sitting in his car on the road. Cutting off my engine and getting out, I walk to his car. I tapped on the window and he jerked his face up looking startled. He rolled down the window and looked at his steering wheel. "Last night really happened." He said still not looking at me.

"Yeah, it did. Maybe we should go inside and talk about it." I suggested, even though I wasn't sure what there was that we could really talk about.

It happened and there was nothing we could do about it and nothing we could do to change it.

He got out of his car and followed me quietly into the house. Once inside we shut the door and locked it. He sat on the couch while I went to the kitchen to get some sodas. Walking back into the living room I could tell that something was really bugging him. I sat next to him and handed him one of the drinks.


"You're welcome. So um.. are you okay?" I questioned him putting my arm behind him on the back of the couch.

"I just... I've always known that I was gay, but last night was something new. I never knew I was... attracted to you like that. I mean you're my brother for shits sake! Last night should of never happened, but it did. And I can't take back anything we did. I feel like... I love you."

"I love you too." I said, trying to give him comfort.

He stared at me with piercing eyes that looked like I just didn't understand how he felt. "No, Daniel. I'm... attracted to you and not just in a brotherly way anymore." He explained sympathetically.

"Oh." is all I said. I pulled my arm away from behind him and laid it in my lap.

After last night, I could relate. I mean I wasn't in love with him.  But I was sexually attracted to him more than I had ever been. It was really hot what we did with Caleb last night. I would probably even do sexual things with him again. In fact I knew I would definitely do sexual things with him again if he asked. I mean, its not like either of us would get pregnant, but what could I do about this? I didn't want to lead him on or anything. 

"Look Erik. You understand that even if I loved you like that, we could never be together right?" I asked.

He looked to the floor and nodded. He looked so hurt, but I knew I was right, we could never be together the way he seemed to want us to be.

"I'm sorry." I said heart broken.

Erik has always been my best friend, but after last night he was something more. Not my crush, not my love, but he was a brother who I had had sex with. Yeah, I knew it was weird but it happened and no one could take it back. Without even thinking I leaned into his face so that our foreheads were touching. After looking into those deep dark eyes of his, I enclosed those inches between our lips. He kissed me back and he leaned us back, my back lying against the couch. I could feel something vibrating.

"I think you're vibrating." I told him through our kiss.

"Not me." He said.

Pushing away I checked my pockets. I didn't even have my phone.

"No, it's definitely you. I don't even have my phone."

He stood up checking his pockets and sure enough it was him.

"I just got a text from you. I'm guessing it's that dude from last night. He said he still has your phone."

Shit. I thought to myself. I left it in his truck. "Ask him if he can meet me somewhere to get it." I got off of the couch. "I'm going to shower, let me know when I get out." I headed to my room and stripped down to nothing so I could get in the shower.

I quickly washed my hair and my body and got out. Drying off, I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of clothes. Blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a pair of lime green converse. Just as I put my last shoe on, Erik walked in, not even bothering to knock.

"I gave him our address, he's going to come over here. He said he'll be here in half an hour or so."

"Thanks." I replied as he turned around and left.

I checked myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked good. I looked as good as I was going to get. This boy was something else and maybe he would give me a chance to show him that I am something else too...

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