Chapter 5

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Wayo POV

I finally got to sleep at about 5 in the morning and everyone let me sleep in late. They must have thought that I needed it. At 11:30, I got up and got ready for the day. Not to mention my stomach is growling. I wonder downstairs to see what is for lunch. As I come in the dining room, I see that I'm the last one to arrive and everyone is already eating. How dare they eat without me. "Why didn't you wake up? I'm starving." I walk next to Rhonda and kiss the side of her cheek and whisper, "Good morning."

She looks up at with a brilliant smile. "Good morning, Yo."

As I sit down, my dad calmly asks, "Are you feeling better now? I wouldn't let anyone disturb you this morning because I thought you needed your rest after yesterday's events."

"Yes, I am feeling much better. I'm still planning to hang out with Ming tonight. Are you two coming too?" I look at Shane and Rhonda with a pleading face almost begging them to come with me. The two looked at each other and then back at me unsure of whether to join or to stay at the mansion. "Come ooonnnnnnnnn....... Pretty pleaaaaasssssssseeeeee." I begin to pout and give the saddest puppy dog face.

Shane cracks first. "Okay, I'll go. You didn't need to give me that face. I can't say no to that face." I begin to smile at Shane.

Rhonda still hasn't agreed. I slowly turn my face to her and put on my sad puppy dog face again and to seal the deal, I give her the pout and let my eyes begin to glisten like I'm going to cry. Yes, I know how to get my way. I'm an expert at pouting and crying.

She caves and screams, "OKAY, I'LL GO. DON'T CRY. PLEASE DON'T CRY."

I immediately smile and begin jumping around. My dad just shakes his head. "You wonder why Wayo is spoiled. This right there is the reason. Every time he gives me that sad face, I crumble, and I can't say no to him."

Ming and Rhonda both nod in agreement.

I so excited that I jump over to my chair and plop down. I still have a big cheesy grin on my face, but I begin eating.


Rhonda, Shane, and I are headed to the bar to meet Ming and his friends. I am a little nervous. I'm hoping that I like them, and I wonder if they are anyone that I knew when I was a kid living here before. We head back to a table in the corner as per Ming's instructions. As we are walking through the crowd, I instantly smell something that is vaguely familiar. However, as soon as I smelt it, the scent is gone. Shane notices my confused expression and asks, "Is something wrong?"

As I look around to see if I can recognize something even though I don't know what I'm looking for. I mumble, "I thought I recognized a scent, but I don't know from where. Oh well, I can't smell it now." I shake my head and continue heading toward the corner tables.

I spot Ming and as I get closer, I raise my hand and wave. "MING!!!"

Ming looks up and suddenly a broad smile appears on his face. He starts walking towards me with his arms held out. "YOOOO!!!!" He grabs me and embraces me in a tight hug. I glance over Ming's shoulder and I can see shocked faces. Ming wai to us and we wai back. Ming takes us over to the table to introduce us to his friends. I wai to Ming's friends and they wai back to us.

Ming grabs my arm and pulls us closer to the table. He is so excited that he keeps hopping around which has me silently chuckle. Ming stands tall, trying to be serious. "P's this is P'Wayo. You can call him Yo and this is Shane and Rhonda. Rhonda is P'Yo's girlfriend so hands off. P's this is P'Forth, P'Park and P'Lam. They are older than me and they are 2nd year Engineering students. We were all friends in high school. Oh, P'Forth was last year's runner-up Campus Moon and the Engineering Moon. He is also the head hazer this year who is going to have mercy on me." Ming lightly punches Forth's arm and Forth just shakes his head. "Oh, come on, can't you help out a fellow friend?"

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