Chapter 32

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A/N:  Here is another update and I wanted to make the Fairy Angel gang be even more crazy than what I wrote but I tamed them down a bit.  Hopefully, I didn't tame them too much.  I hope you enjoy. 

Wayo POV

I'm still worried and concerned about our meeting with Dad but Pha is trying to be optimistic. I still can't believe that my life has become this hectic and chaotic.  Isn't college supposed to be fun?

I'm in the classroom waiting for class to begin when Nate sits down beside me. "Good morning, P'Yo."

I'm a little anxious so I don't beat around the bush. "Good morning, N'Nate. Sorry to rush but do you have the report for me?" I want to see the comments that Pring wrote about me.

Nate pulls the report out of her bag and hands it to me. I quickly scanning through it and I'm stunned. I don't care about some of it but what I mainly focus on are the nasty comments. Some weren't too bad, but others were down right evil. I can see why Nate thinks that she may get violent. Pring is stating that she wants me dead.

However, I don't see anything regarding a new user name yet. "N'Nate, didn't you restrict her account all ready?

"Yes, why?"

"I don't see anything in here from a second user name. Didn't she setup another account yet?"

Nate grins and chimes, "Yes, she did but I haven't approved any postings on the fan page until this morning. I wanted to make sure that we have everything in place to monitor her activity 24/7."

I can tell that she has planned this out thoroughly. "So, I'm assuming that she hasn't posted anything yet?"


I'm curious about one thing. "What is her new user name?"

Nate laughs. "Well, she isn't the brightest bulb in the box. She chose Queen P2 for her new user name. It was so easy to identify her and I'm a little disappointed. I thought she was smarter than that."

I'm feeling a little better, but I still have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. "Oh, I almost forgot. I want to meet the Fairy Angel gang and personally thank them for helping me. Can they meet me on our lunch break?"

Nate can't contain her excitement. She is jumping around in her seat. "Really?"

Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I can feel a big grin coming across my face. "Yes, really."

Without saying anything else, Nate takes her phone out and begins to type franticly. When her phone begins beeping, she looks at me. "They will be here."

I'm wondering what her friends are like. I hope they like me.


I walk with Nate down to the canteen to find a table and to wait for everyone. I told Pha and the others about the meeting with the Fairy Angel gang and they all want to come meet them, too. I hope this goes well.

Nate and I are discussing what to have for lunch when I suddenly can smell Pha's cologne and I know he is near me. He puts his hands on my shoulders. Oh how, I love it when he touches me. Pha leans forward and gently kisses my cheek. "Babe, what do you want to eat?"

I still can't believe that Pha is my boyfriend.

I turn towards him and see that Kit and Beam are also here. "Pha, I'll get the food today. I can't have you spoil me all the time." I get up, pat Pha's shoulder and head off with Nate.

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