Chapter 6

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A/N:  I'm so thrilled that people are reading my story and I'm hoping you continue to enjoy it.  Thanks for all the support.


I had sent out a message this morning that we will meet at a local restaurant at 12:30 to have lunch and to see what Beam has found out about the boy. I am currently at the restaurant anxiously waiting for Kit and Beam to get here. I can't seem to settle down. I keep twiddling my thumbs, bouncing my knee and impatiently look out the window to see if my friends have arrived yet. I want to know more about "him". I don't even know his name, but I can't seem to forget his smiling face. I begin to think about him, a small grin creeps up onto my face and a pink hue covers my cheeks. While I'm lost in my memories, Kit and Beam sit down at the table. They look at each other and then back at me. Kit knocks on the table. "Earth to Pha. Come in, Pha."

Startled, I shake my head. "When did you get here? I didn't see you come in."

Beam smirks and says, "You didn't notice anything. You were off in your own little world and I bet you were dreaming of a certain boy. Am I right?"

I started to grin and then I stop myself and put on my serious face. "Did you find out any information on him?"

Beam nods but begins to frown. "I did but you aren't going to like some of what I found out. Why don't we order food first?"

He is stalling but I concede, and we motion for the waiter to take our order. As soon as the waiter leaves, I demand the information. "What did you find out? Tell me now!"

Beam hesitates and sighs but begins. "First, I'm going to get the bad news out of the way. He has a girlfriend. She was sitting next to him at the bar last night. They have been going out for over a year and she along with Wayo's best friend moved to Thailand. All three of them will be going to the university. His name is Wayo but his friends call him Yo. He is a second-year music major and this is actually his second degree. He was so smart that he skipped several grades and he earned his first degree in business at the age of 19. He is currently 21 years old. He was born in Thailand but 12 years ago, his father had to move the family to the United States for his business."

My mind registers everything that Beam said but I'm still stuck on the part the he has a girlfriend. My heart aches and I can't breathe. This hurt but the pain inspires me to fight. I've decided that I'm not stopping. I'm going to try to win his heart and make him mine. With a serious face, I look at Kit and Beam and announce, "I won't stop just because he currently has a girlfriend. I will first try to be friends with him and then see if I can make him my boyfriend."

Beam grins from ear to ear with my statement. However, Kit frowns and looks at me. "You are going to steal Wayo away from his girlfriend? You know that you could get some bad backlash from this. I hope you are careful."

Just then the waiter brings our food to the table and we begin eating.

Beam gets done first. As he is waiting for us to finish, he suddenly grins and leans towards Kit. "I almost forgot. I found out some information on the boy that walked with Wayo to restroom."

Kit looks down at his food and grumpily says, "So, why would I care?"

Beam's smile gets even wider. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Silly Kitty. I know that you were interested in the other guy." Kit doesn't respond and acts like he didn't hear him. "Well, his name is Ming and he is Wayo's childhood friend. He is going to be a 1st year engineering student."

Kit grunts and mumbles under his breath, "I don't care." However, Beam could still hear Kit and Beam shakes his head at Kit's stubbornness.

Pha is deep in thought and isn't aware of Kit and Beam's conversation. "We first need to get a plan together, so we can meet them. Forth is friends with one of Wayo's friends, right?"

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