Chapter 99

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  This is the aftermath of Beam's punishment from the previous chapter.  

Beam POV

That was the worst night's sleep that I have ever had. I don't think that I even had a minute worth of sleep. I kept tossing and turning all night long. My heart ached all night long too. Was I too hard on Forth? Did I go too far? Why did I let my temper get the best of me? I know that Forth didn't get any sleep either. I heard him tossing and turning all night long too. I think I'm a really bad boyfriend. How could I do that to the one that I love with all my heart?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Who in the hell is here? What time is it?

I roll over and look at my phone and it is 6 am. What the hell?

I reluctantly get out of bed and swing open the door as I grunt, "What the hell do you want?"

Kit doesn't wait for me to finish as he pushes me out of the way and growls, "You are such an ASS!!"

As Kit goes by, Ming, Yo and Pha follow closely behind him. Well, I guess something is wrong if they are all coming to my room first thing in the morning.

Kit runs to Forth and immediately asks, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Forth mumbles, "No. I can't sleep on the sofa."

Kit and Yo both whips their heads towards me and scowl. What in the hell did I do?

Kit hisses at me, "Ai'Asshole Beam, is this how you treat your lover? Are you really that heartless and cruel? Do you realize that the Fairies want to take Ai'Forth away from you for being such a bastard? I almost want to help them. This is too much and don't even think about making him wear that stupid thing all day long. You bought it as a joke, but you did something like this with it. I don't even know if I can still call you my friend." Kit shoots daggers at me with his eyes and I suddenly feel a cold chill down my back. Kit has never been against me on anything that I've done in the past, but he clearly hates what I have done to Forth.

Before I can even try to solve the issue, Yo unleashes on me. "If I knew you were going to treat my friend so poorly, I would have kept you away from him. This is terrible, heartless and humiliating. Does N'Forth even know that you sent those pictures of him to the group chat last night?"

With Yo's question, Forth finally turns around on the sofa to face everyone and mumbles, "Pictures? Group chat? What are you talking about?"

Kit and Yo both gasp as they see the dog collar is still on Forth. His neck is all red and sore since the collar is actually cutting into his skin. Kit immediately tries to undo the collar which makes Forth yelp in pain. Yo quickly runs to get the first aid kit and rushes back to Forth. Kit gently removes the collar and unconsciously makes several disgusting faces at Forth's raw and irritated skin. There are a few spots that even had started to bleed a little.

I'm shocked as I step closer and I see the mess on Forth's neck. I didn't mean for this to happen. I would never intentationally do something that would harm Forth like this. I really didn't think that this would happen.

As Kit is applying medicine to Forth's neck, Kit huffs, "Why didn't you tell Ai'Asshole that your neck was hurting?"

As Forth continues to hiss at the pain, he softly says, "I was told not to make a noise unless Ai'Beam told me to. I was just doing what I was told to do."

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