Chapter 21

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A/N:  Just yesterday, I was saying how happy I was to have over 1K views and today I'm at 2K.  I can't believe it.  Thanks for reading my story and I hope to keep seeing you as the story continues.  😊😊😊  Did I mention how happy I am?  


I'm hoping that Yo can remember some more details of his vision with Pring so we can try to prepare ourselves and prevent it. As Beam, Kit and I walk into the canteen to meet up with Yo, I notice several students are snapping pictures of us. In a hushed tone, I ask Beam and Kit, "Are people taking pictures of us?"

Occasionally, we would have people discreetly take our picture, but we have never come across this many people openly doing it. I head towards Yo's usual table and I notice that people are taking pictures of Yo too, but he doesn't seem to be upset or disturbed by it. Shane is sitting across from Yo and sees us but Yo has his back towards us. As Shane goes to wave, I motion for him not to and to be quiet. Shane appears to know what I'm planning as a cheesy grin appears on his face. I walk up to the table and place my arms either side of Yo on the table and lean into his ear. I whisper, "Hi, babe." Into his ear and gently kiss him on the cheek.

Yo stiffens only for a moment and then begins to relax and blush. He bashfully says, "Hi, Pha." I love it when he is shy. He is just too cute.

I smile to myself and sit down next to Yo. "Babe, I brought Beam and Kit with me and I have told them everything from our discussion this morning about your vision of Ai'Pring. They have agreed to help with what ever they can." Before I can continue, I hear Yo's stomach gurgle and I chuckle. "It appears the first order of business is going to get food for a hungry cutie. What do you want, and I'll go get it?"

Yo goes to talk but Shane cuts him off. "I'll go with you. I know what Yo likes and we can't forget his pink milk, or you will see a grumpy Yo." Then Shane flashes a big grin to Yo and starts walking over towards the line. I hurry to catch up.


Wayo POV

I can't believe Pha just did that to me and in front of everyone in the canteen. I'm sure that my face is every shade of red possible and it is so embarrassing. As I glance over at Beam and Kit, they both have the biggest and cheesy grin that I've ever seen. "Is something on my face?"

Beam shakes his finger back and forth. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't act innocent with us. We can see that you are just eating this all up when you let your guard down. Why do you keep fighting what we can obviously see plain as day that you have fallen for Pha? Love at first site, right Kitty?"

Kit nods his head in agreement. "I believe so but you are still convenienced that Ai'Pha will hurt you because of your visions. Didn't you say that you can also feel the person's feelings when you have your visions? What did you feel when you had the visions of Pha?"

I feel a little intimidated and I shrink back into my seat. My voice cracks. "I felt an overabundance of love."

Beam raises one eye brow and leans on the table towards me. "Then what are you afraid of? Are you really afraid that Ai'Pha is going to break your heart? If so, Kit and I are confident that Ai'Pha won't do that. He has us helping to try and find a way to prevent Ai'Pring from kissing him. Doesn't that speak volumes about his character?"

I can't argue, and I know Beam is correct but I'm still afraid.

Pha and Shane interrupt my thoughts as they put some food down on the table. They even had a couple of other students helping carry the food. Instantly, my fear is washed away and is replaced with my love for food and Pha bought so much food. "Pha, why did you get so much food?"

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