Chapter 19

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A/N:  I hope you enjoy the SOTUS event and the introduction of my "favorite" character.  Can you feel the sarcasm dripping off my words?  Enjoy.

Ming POV

I'm walking with the other first year engineering students and we are headed over to an outdoor field for another SOTUS event. I can feel the anticipation of the other students, but I don't really understand exactly why they are so excited about tonight's activities. I scan the group and it isn't just the girls but also several of the guys that seem to be anxious. Am I missing something? I didn't read anything different about tonight than any other night. The messages and the text were the same as all the other notifications about SOTUS. So, why is tonight's event different?

I scurry closer to Park and Lam. "P's, is there something special about tonight's events? Everyone seems a little more excited about tonight."

Park chuckles and glances at me. "Well, tonight, we have asked our two honorary engineering students to join the activities. I'm sure they are just excited about having P'Shane and P'Yo here."

"What, P'Shane and P'Yo are going to be joining us tonight?"

"Yes, Ai'Forth has talked to both and they are heading over here right now."

Now, I understand why. As we continue towards the field, I see Shane walk up to the front and join Forth and the other hazers. Then I could hear the rumble of a motor and I look up towards the street. I hear several gasps coming from the people behind me and the whole group stops right in front of the parking lot. I catch the image that has everyone in awe. It is a motorcycle and the chrome seems to be sparkling under the street lights, almost making the bike glow. I quickly scan the crowd and everyone, including Forth, seem to be awestruck by this person.

I watch as the person maneuvers the motorcycle to park right next to Forth's bike. He gets off his bike and unzips his leather jacket and I hear several gasps again, behind me. Geez, he isn't that good looking, and I think I'm just as manly. Who is this guy? The guy turns back towards the bike with his back facing us and takes off his helmet. He shakes his head from side to side and then ruffles his hair like he is trying to get something out of it. I could do that too. The guy puts his helmet down and proceeds to take his jacket off. This time, I hear more gasps and I even heard the guy next to me smack his lips like he just tasted something delicious. Okay, I have to admit that the motorcycle guy does have some muscles, but I have some too. How come I don't get that kind of reaction when I wear tight shirts?

As he turns around, he flings his leather jacket over his shoulder with his index finger and begins walking towards us. I think I just heard a couple people collapse behind me. I can't believe what I'm seeing. It is P'Yo and when did he get to be so cool. I'll ask him later. I can't contain myself, I'm so excited that P'Yo is here that I begin to hop around in my spot and wave. As soon as Yo waves back, I jump forward and get in front of him. "P', is that your bike? You are so cool P'."

"Thanks, N'Ming and yes, that is my bike." Yo goes over to Shane who is holding an extra engineering shirt and Yo exchanges his leather jacket for his engineering shirt. He puts on the shirt and then takes his leather jacket back.

I can't help but pout. I work really hard to look cool and to get the girls' attention, but Yo just has to walk into a room or like right now, ride up on a 'sweet ride' and both the girls and guys are fawning all over him. The irritating part is that he doesn't want any of it. He has a 'fake' boyfriend just to push people away from him. I don't get it. I better help play up the 'fake' boyfriend for him and maybe he will let me take the bike for ride. "P', where is your boyfriend?" I smirk to myself as I hear whines from the crowd.

"He is still at the restaurant with N'Kit and N'Beam."

I'm a little taken back that he actually knows where Pha is. I wonder if Pha's charms are starting to win him over.

I look over Yo's shoulder and I see another car pull into the parking lot. Beam, Kit and Pha get out and Pha quickly walks over to Yo and puts his arm around his shoulders. Pha chirps, "Let me carry your jacket for you, P'Yo."

Yo appears a little startled by Pha's presence but he quickly calms down. Yo gives a small smile and hands his leather jacket to Pha. "Thanks."

I can't help but to notice that Pha is enjoying this much more than Yo is but Yo doesn't appear to hate it either. I wonder if he has already fallen in love with Pha.

I chuckle to myself when I catch a few of the whispers from the people behind me.

"Why does he have to have a boyfriend?"

"Now two of the hottest guys on campus are off the market. This sucks."

"Why couldn't it have been me instead of P'Pha?"

"I wonder if I ask him to give me a ride on his bike, would he."

I shake my head and continue towards the field with everyone.


Wayo POV

I am so glad to get out of that restaurant. It wasn't the food but the company. Pha was just too close and I was so nervous. I hope no one could tell. Ah, it feels so go to ride my motorcycle, but I can't believe that I actually forgot about the SOTUS event tonight. I guess with everything that has happened today, it must have slipped my mind.

As I pull into the parking lot, I'm relieved to see that the engineering group is just heading to the field, so I haven't missed anything yet.

I park my bike and head towards them. As I walk up, I think I saw people gawking. I wonder if they are impressed with my bike.

Ming jets out of the group and comes towards me. "P', is that your bike? You are so cool P'."

I'm a little embarrassed. Did he just call me cool? Maybe he was referring to the bike because I think my bike is pretty cool. "Thanks, nong and yes, that is my bike."

As I walk towards Shane, I think I can see Ming pouting. I chuckle to myself. I bet he is wondering if he got a motorcycle, would that make him cool too. Oh Ming, why are you trying so hard. Shortly, you will catch your Kitty and you won't need to look cool to other people, just to your KitKat.

I hand Shane my leather jacket and he gives me my engineering shirt which I put on. Before I can say anything to Shane, Ming yells, "P', where is your boyfriend?"

Well that wasn't very subtle at all, was it. He is clearly trying to let the engineering group know that I have a boyfriend now. I'll play along too. "He is still at the restaurant with N'Kit and N'Beam." I can see that I surprised Ming in actually knowing where Pha was, but I will admit, I think the group of first years are sad now.

I hear footsteps coming up behind me and I'm assuming it is some more engineering students, but I almost jump out of my skin when someone puts him arm around my shoulders. Before the guy speaks, I can smell Pha's cologne, so I immediately know who is standing next to me. This isn't good. I need to calm down and collect my thoughts. Shit, I think my heart just stopped when he touched me. Take a deep breath and control yourself. Pha chirps, "Let me carry your jacket for you, P'Yo."

I hand him my jacket and say, "Thanks."

The entire group heads to the field and I'm wondering how I'm going to survive this. This was just the first day and every time I look into his eyes, I melt just a little bit more. How am I going to last for a long period of time?


Pring POV

I can't believe what I'm hearing and what I'm seeing online. This can't be. I have worked for over a year to get Pha to go out with me and be my boyfriend. I'm not going to lose to some transfer student! PHA IS MINE!!

I need to come up with a plan to get Pha away from Wayo. I'm sure Wayo seduced Pha because Pha would never turn down someone as beautiful as me for a guy. Granted Wayo is kind of beautiful but I have all the body parts that Pha needs. I'M A WOMAN! NO ONE TAKES MY MAN!!!

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