Chapter 46

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A/N:  Here is another chapter for today.  I hope you enjoy it.

On a side note, I have started writing another 2 Moons fanfiction and I'll let you know as soon as I start publishing the chapters.  I hope you will enjoy it too.

Wayo POV

"Yo, where is the latest data for this project?" Shane asks while rummaging through the paperwork and scanning through files on his laptop.

"Shane, have you lost your mind? You know that I saved a copy of those files to the network. Did you forget where the file folder is?" Sometimes, I swear my friend would lose his head if it wasn't attached to his body.

Shane looks at his laptop while he scans through the folders. He seems to be working at a smoldering pace but why. "Shane, why are you trying to get this done so fast? Try to relax, okay."

Shane doesn't look up but keeps his eyes on his laptop. "No, Uncle moved up the meeting to Monday, so we have to have everything completed by the end of this weekend."

"What!! Why didn't I know about this? Did someone send an email to let me know but I didn't see it?" I begin to frantically scroll through my emails trying to see if I missed something very important.

My dad strolls into the room and I shoot him a glare. "Did you change the meeting with the company for the collaboration? Well, as I look at it, I would recommend just a simple buy-out and be done with it. A partnership or collaboration means that the other company has something to offer but I'm not seeing much they can offer besides a large amount of debt."

Dad smiles at me and nonchalantly says, "That is why I moved the meeting up. I knew that you would come to this conclusion, so I want to get it done and over with. No need to drag it on forever. By the way, the owner of the company is coming, and I've asked him to bring his daughter with him too. I think she can help to get this resolved rather quickly."

I'm a little confused. "Then do you want me to generate a potential purchase price for you? Given the fact that the company is spiraling out of control, I would suggest a lower number. Are you fine with that?"

Dad smiles at me and says, "Yes."

A little fog rolls in and I know that I'm going to have another vision. Please don't let it be about Forth and Beam. Please pretty please. As the fog clears, I'm in the office and a middle-aged gentleman is on his knees in front of me. What in the world is going on? Who is this person?

The man begins to beg. "Please, help me. You are my last resort. Everyone else has already turned me down. I'll do anything that you ask. Just please help me."

I don't know what is going on. My mind is wondering, should I help him when I hear myself say in a very cold and heartless manner, "No but I can take everything."

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