Chapter 115

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A/N: Here is another chapter and the after effects from the wedding/reception continues. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll be honest. I don't really like this chapter and I thought about completely scrapping it but I decided I won't.

Shane POV

I'm glad Forth didn't find out about the little after wedding party that I had in my room with Park and Lam. Well, it got a little carried away and I just hope Forth isn't too mad when he hears about it because it is only a matter of time before he knows about it. Several engineering students were there, and you know those guys like to brag, so it is only a matter of time.

Well, it has been a few days and I haven't heard a thing from any of my engineering friends so maybe they are safe. I better get back to studying since Yo has already left with Pha along with Kit and Ming. It was a little odd that Beam wasn't with Pha and Kit when they came back from the hospital but I'm sure it is nothing.






What in the world is going on? Why is my phone going crazy?

I quickly grab my phone and I look at all the messages that are bombarding my phone. Oh, this isn't good. This is really bad!

Not only did Forth find out, I guess the boyfriends found out too. CRAP!!! THIS IS REALLY BAD!!!!

I quickly pack up my books and I run out of the building heading straight for the fight. As I'm running, my phone starts to ring.


"What??" I manage to huff out as I'm running full speed to the engineering student's hangout.

Yo's worried voice comes screaming through my phone. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON???"

I don't slow down but I manage to say, "Park.... Lam.... Wedding.... Party... in.... my.... Room.... Girls...... had..... boyfriends......"

Yo immediately knows what I'm trying to say, and he is clearly pissed. "Are you on the way to the hangout?"

I grunt, "Yes..."

Yo quickly says, "I had Pha turn the car around. I'll be there shortly. Don't do anything stupid."

I don't give Yo a response. I quickly end the call and continue to run to where I'm sure Park and Lam are fighting right now. If it isn't by the boyfriends, I'm sure Forth is going to knock some sense into them.

It takes me a little longer to get there by running but I didn't have time to run to my car and then head over here. That would have taken even longer.

As soon as I arrive, I see exactly what I was expecting to see. Park and Lam are defending themselves from a large group of math students as the small number of engineering students help Park and Lam. I quickly drop my bag and run over to help Park and Lam. The math students must have waited until only the weakest engineering students were left and then they swarmed them with numbers because the math students couldn't fight at all. Well, there were a few that could throw a good punch or two but most probably couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.

Within a couple minutes, I see Pha and Yo running up to help as the math students are starting to fall faster then they can punch. As Forth, Beam, Ming and Kit arrive, the math students knew it is a losing battle at that point and they quickly ran away. One of the guys screams, once he is far enough away that he felt safe, "This isn't over yet, P'Park and P'Lam. We will get even for this."

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