Chapter 139

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A/N:  Here is the final chapter in this book.  I hope you enjoy it.  I have enjoyed writing this story and I'm proud of what I have done with it.  This is my first story that I've ever written and I'm so happy with the response that I've received with it.  In the big scheme of things, I had initially intended to have books after this following Yo and his abilities and how Yo uses them but at this point, I will take a break from the story.  Maybe later, I will but I don't want people to get tired of the story.  Plus, I have other ideas that are currently flowing through my mind that I have to write.  

I look forward to seeing you at my other books and I appreciate everyone who made it to the end.  Thanks for the support and I couldn't do this without you guys.

Love you guys.


I have had enough! Mr. Nasty has pushed me to my limit. I just got a phone call from my father telling me that Mr. Nasty couldn't get him with the first malpractice law suit the he spearheaded to try and go his way, so he is trying another one. Well, that is it! I have had to put up with Mr. Nasty showing up at my dorm room unannounced and most certainly uninvited, my only relief is that my bodyguards are in the next room and they wouldn't let Mr. Nasty do anything. He never knew that though. Then, he tried to screw over my father which we knew about and we kicked his butt on that one. I had to laugh because he was so mad. He didn't think that anyone would have thoroughly documented and recorded his procedure, but then again, Mr. Nasty doesn't have any medical experience, so he wouldn't have any idea what is and isn't protocol. My father is just a little conservative, so he documents and records everything.

Then he tried to trash my baby's name. That was just plain hitting below the belt. Luckily, it was Yo's name that he uses at the university and not his real name but still, he was picking on my baby. I don't stand for it at all.

The authorities have finally told us that they think that they have enough evidence on him, so we can take him down anytime we want to. Right before my father called, Ming called me to let me know that Mr. Nasty is trying to get into his family's company, so it is clear that Mr. Nasty is giving up on the hospital's money. I have to laugh that he hasn't been able to get a dime from the hospital yet and when we watch the video of him in the director's office, he is getting really mad. It's not that he hasn't tried. Oh, he has tried over and over again. He even tried to forge an executive's signature to get a wire transfer to happen, but he didn't realize that the bank doesn't process the wire transfer without verbal approval from the hospital. He doesn't even know who the verbal approval comes from and that is my husband, Yo, or his dad. However, everything is documented, and the authorities can still get him for attempting to steal the money and they can get him on the forgery.

In addition, Kit and Beam informed me when we got here today that they were given a warning that if they don't comply with hospital policy that they will be thrown out of the practicum program. Of course, we know that Mr. Nasty doesn't have the power to do that so we blew it off but Mr. Nasty thinks he can.

However, the thing that is pushing me over the limit is the fact that I haven't been able to go out on a date with my husband since this idiot has come to the hospital. I just had to turn down an offer for tickets to a play that Yo really wants to see because he is still caged in our house and he can't leave. This is too much. I want my life back and I want this piece of scum behind bars.

With steam rolling out my ears, I go storming up to the director's office and without even knocking, I barge right on in.

I yell, "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

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