Chapter 58

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A/N:  Here is another chapter.  I hope you enjoy it.


It has been so nice not to have to deal with Pring and her craziness. Well, we did have to deal with some craziness when everyone had to get measured for the tuxedos. Talk bout a bunch of grown men whining, I almost asked them if they wanted some cheese with that whine. Shoot, they aren't even paying for the tuxedos and you would have thought that you were asking them to do something horrendous.

Now, the next big thing that we have to decide is where we want to do our practicum for our medical degree. No, this isn't our internship, but this is just a couple of weeks where we go to a hospital and shadow doctors and observe. If we are lucky, we can get some hands-on, but most will just watch and learn.

I don't want to do this alone. I want us three to stay together just like the last several years. "So, do we agree? We will be doing the practicum together and it won't be at the hospital where my father works. I don't want my father to poke his nose into everything and for the staff to think that we are getting favored over the other participants."

Kit questions, "Are you sure? Doing at your father's hospital would be really easy and we may even get to have some hands-on experience. If we go somewhere else, we may not get the chance."

Beam agrees. "It won't be so bad doing it at your father's hospital. I also think that we could do more hands-on there than if we went anywhere else."

As we are debating, Yo, Shane, Ming and Forth come and sit down at the table. I have already bought Yo's lunch and had it waiting at the table for him. As usual, Yo's stomach controls his body and he doesn't waste anytime to start digging into his food. Oh, he is just so cute when he eats. He is just like a child that you have to keep wiping his mouth for him. But I love doing it for him.

As I'm wiping Yo's face, I whine a little. "Guys, can we please do the practicum somewhere else. I don't want to be compared to my father while learning. I'm afraid that I'll be compared to him all the time and no matter what I do, I'm sure everyone will be more than willing to tell him about it. It is almost like being watched all the time."

Beam nods his head and sighs. "I guess I can see your point. Maybe we should look at another hospital for the practicum but which one. Your father works at one of the best hospitals around. Is there another hospital that is that good who also handles practicums? Usually only the training hospitals do it, but your father's hospital is one of the few private hospitals that does it too."

Kit admits defeat and sighs. "I also see your point. I just know that your father's hospital will be easier to get us into, but it also has some major drawbacks. Okay, let's look for another hospital."

Without looking up from his food (I know how Yo's food is important to him), Yo blankly asks, "What are your options?"

Oh, I know he wants to help but I don't think this is anything that he can help with. "Don't worry about it, babe. We will figure something out."

Yo stops eating and puts his eating utensils down. I think I may have said the wrong thing. Oh no, he doesn't look happy.

He slowly turns his head towards me and has a blank expression. Oh, this can't be good at all.

He slowly says, "Well, you should know what I'm capable of and if you want into a hospital, I'm sure I'll be able to find a way. Now tell me what the options are."

I can hear Shane and Ming laughing and I don't find it funny at all. I know that I can tell Yo about it and he will help resolve the problem or I can do it on my own. I'm being stubborn and I'm trying to do this all on my own.

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