Chapter 78

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A/N:  Here is another chapter.  I hope you enjoy it.  

Beam POV

We made it through the wild group of reporters, photographers and fans. Wayo and Shane seem to get a lot of screams from the crowd, more than the rest of us, but we all receive a fair amount. I still can't believe that they were screaming at us too.

Once inside the event, Yo's dad immediately greets us and introduces us to Suthee's father and mother. While we meet the parents, Suthee and Nate join our group. I'm still in awe. There are so many influential people here and I'm in the middle of all this.

I'm not going to let Forth wonder too far away. Some where in the mist of all these people are Forth's parents and my parents along with my father's mistress. I need to find my mother quickly and hopefully derail whatever plans she has for my father and the leach before it causes issues for Yo and his dad. As Shane, Pha and Yo go with Yo's dad to talk to more executives, I turn to Forth and say, "I need to find my mother before she finds my father and the bimbo."

Forth nods his head. "I'm coming with you."

As soon as Forth finishes, everyone else says, "Me too."

I grab Forth's hand for support and I wonder through the crowd. I'm the only one that knows what my mother looks like and I don't have any pictures on my phone of her, so I can't give the guys anything that would help them in locating her. I just have to do it by myself but wait, I remember I have one on my IG account from a recent family get together. I quickly pull out my phone and open my IG app. After locating the photo, I quickly turn to everyone with my phone out, "This is what my mother looks like, but I don't know what she will be wearing. I hope this helps. Thanks, and keep your eyes peeled for her."

After I give everyone a good look, I quickly put my phone away and we continue to look. We decide to stay in a group and look together. After searching for nearly 30 minutes, I stop dead in my tracks. Everyone stops too, they look at me and then they follow eyes to the people standing in front of us but off a ways through the crowd. Forth asks, "Baby, is there someone you know over there?"

I'm slowly beginning to boil, and I clench my hands into a fist as I snort, "My father and I'm assuming the bimbo."

Everyone gasps and immediately look at the middle-age man in a nice but old suit with a much younger, almost our age, women who appears to be pregnant. The woman is clinging the man's arm and is giggling non-stop as if the man is the funniest person alive.

My anger is now blowing steam out my ears and fire out my mouth while I'm shooting daggers at them with my eyes. How dare he come to an event where my mother is the main reason that he was even invited and bring that two-bit hussy with him. Her gown is a cheap knock off and her jewlery is all fake. They both think that they are big shots now that they were invited to this function, but what they don't know is that it is because of mother and me. Well, I think it is about time to straighten this all out.

As I begin to march forward, still holding Forth's hand which I think I'm nearly squeezing it to death, my group of friends comes with me too. As I get closer, my father finally sees me, and he looks shocked. He quickly looks at his mistress, or as I like to call her bimbo, and he nearly panics. He pushes her hands off his arm which she immediately whines and tries to get a hold of again. Before he can do anything else, I hiss, "I already know about your bimbo and would it be safe to say that the little bun in the oven there is my half-brother or sister. You didn't have the balls to tell me. I found out from my friends who by the way is the reason that you were invited. No scratch that. They invited my mother but sent the invitation addressed to both of you since they didn't know that you had left her for your bimbo here."

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