Chapter 114

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A/N: Here is another chapter and guess what? The Fairies are back.....

I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

Shane and I are trying to study before we head back to our dorm room. Too bad I wasn't heading back to my new house but Pha and I have agreed that we wouldn't stay there much since the dorms are so close to the university. We plan on staying there on weekends for now and we probably won't live in the dorms next year but for right now, we are keeping our dorm room.

I'm intensely working on my paper that is due this week when the Fairies make their grand entrance and immediately swarm me. I haven't seen the Fairies since the wedding reception when my security team rounded them up one by one and took them to their rooms so this is the first time that we have been able to talk and I'm sure I know what they want.

All the Fairies squealed, "Tell us all about it!!!!"

I act all innocent. "What are you talking about? Tell you about what?"

Montree immediately slaps my shoulder and squeals, "Ai'Bitch, give us all the juicy details. We all want to know how the wedding night went. WE NEED DETAILS!!"

Jay and Zee demand, "Yes, all the details."

Elephant snorts, "At least tell us where you stayed."

Oh, how did I know they wanted to know about this. Any idiot could have figured this one out.

I shake my head. "I'm not telling you guys a thing. That amazing night is only for Pha and I to know what happened and for you to wonder about it."

Jay flops is body across the table and whines, "You're killing us here. Why can't you give us some details? We aren't going to ask for pictures or anything but just a few details."

Zee blurts out, "Well, if you want to show us some pictures, we will be more than willing to look at them."

Elephant adds, "Well, video would be better."

Oh my. I don't even know what to say. I'm kind of shocked but then again, the Fairies seem to think and do whatever they want. Before I scold them, Nate beats me to it. "LADIES!!! We DON'T and, I repeat, we DON'T ask about P'Yo's wedding night. What were you guys even thinking?"

Suthee chuckles, "Well, you know what they were thinking but you made the mistake to think that their minds had a filter button that would prevent them from saying it. Did you forget that the Fairies don't have any such thing? They say exactly what they are thinking. Whether it is good or bad."

Montree instantly fakes being hurt and even puts his hand over his forehead like he is getting a headache. Then he falls backwards against another table as he says, "How could you say such a thing? We are friends with P'Yo and even Ai'Pha."

Jay interrupts, "Ai'Bitch, we may be friends, but I want to know the juicy details."

Zee nods in agreement and adds, "Friends talk about their sex lives to friends. Us ladies talk about our sex lives all the time so why can't we ask P'Yo about the most important night of his life? Huh?"

Nate quickly exclaims, "Because it is rude!"

Elephant ignores all the bickering and looks at me while calmly asking, "So where did you spend the first night?"

Okay, I think this is safe. I'll give them this little bit of info. "We stayed in one of Ming's family's hotels and they actually gave us the family's rooms which meant that we had a whole floor and no one to interrupt us."

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