Chapter 76

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A/N:  Here is another chapter.  I hope you enjoy.  

Suthee POV

I'm so nervous. I hope I can get through the next 30 minutes or so. This is so nerve racking and I'm going to be meeting Nate's parents shortly. Luckily my parents will be with me and we don't have much time for a formal meeting, but I want to make a good first impression anyway.

My father pulls up in front of Nate's house and we all get out of the car. I, on the other hand, almost fall down because my legs are too wobbly to walk. Luckily my father notices and he quickly grabs me before I fall and ruin my tuxedo. As my voice trembles, I say, "Thanks, father. I'm just a little nervous. Hopefully, I will get over it shortly."

My mother comes up to me and gently pats my back. "There is nothing to be nervous about. We are going to be right next to you. Okay?"

Well, that is easy for her to say. She isn't the one meeting the girlfriend's parents for the first time. I take a deep breath and I try to steady myself. I need to look confident in front of Nate's parents. As I stand back up straight, I mumble, "I'm okay. I'm ready."

As a family, we head to the front door and my father rings the door bell. It doesn't take long, and my nerves start to kick in again. My heart is starting to beat irractically and I swear I have my hands are in water with as much sweat that keeps accumulating on my palms. It feels like an eternity before I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. I brace myself and I take a deep breath.

The door opens, and Nate's mother greets us. "Good evening. Come on in. Nate will be down shortly."

I quickly realize that Nate looks almost exactly like her mother.  Hermother is a beautiful woman, just like Nate. 

I zone everything out and I focus only on the pictures on the wall as we walk down the hallway. Nate is so pretty in them. I slow down to admire the various photos and I smile at the goofy ones. Even when she was little, she was still pretty. I can't stop my mind from wondering what our kids would look like. No. I can't think about that. I need to get through these minutes with her parents first. As I finally pull myself away from all the pictures, I can hear laughter coming from the living room. What is going on in there? I walk around the corner and both parents turn to look at me. I freeze instantly thinking that I have done something wrong. I hesitantly ask, "What? Did I miss something?"

My mother instantly chirps, "You didn't tell us who Nate's parents were. We used to be friends when we were in college. What am I saying, we still are friends? We just lost contact after we graduated but when we were in school, we often went on double dates. It is such a small world. To think that our children are now dating, this is wonderful."

Nate's mother giggles, "Yes, this is great news. I'm hoping for the best."

I sigh a big breath of relief. If I had known that our parents knew each other, I wouldn't have worried as much as I have. Not that her parents will automatically like me, but this gives me a leg up. As I relax, I see my mom gasp in awe as she looks behind me. I slowly turn around and I see the most beautiful and breath-taking view ever. Nate is stunning in her formal gown and my mind stops working. Without realizing it, I slowly walk towards her and whisper, "Beautiful." My breath hitches as Nate smiles at me as if I'm the most precious person in the world. I just can't get my mind around the fact that this beautiful woman picked me and agreed to be my girlfriend.

I stop right in front of her and I reach down and gently grab her hands. I bring them up to my lips and softly kiss the back of both her hands. I look into her eyes and whisper, "I'm the luckiest man to have the most beautiful woman as my date."

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