Chapter 36

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A/N:  Here is another chapter for today.  I hope you enjoy.


I can't believe that Ming stood in front of everyone and told them that he fell in love with me. What is even harder to believe is that Yo had a vision of me and that I was dating Ming. What is going on? I've been trying to prevent this from happening. Ming is a playboy and he doesn't seriously date people. He only knows how to toy with people. How can I fix this?

My thoughts are interrupted by Beam's taunting voice. "Such a naughty Kitty. Always looking at your phone and afraid that the engineering students were going to eat us alive. Or was it that you were hoping that Ming would eat you? Hmmmmm? Ai'Pha, what do you think?"

Pha nudges me with his elbow. "Hmm. I think Kitty is Ming's wife. You might as well accept it."

I'm pissed, I'm no one's wife. "No, I'm not his wife and I don't plan on being his wife in the future." I huff and cross my arms over my chest while glaring at my supposed best friends.

Yo walks over while giggling. "All I know is that N'Kit is N'Ming's Kitkat. What a cute nickname. At least this time, I didn't have to watch you grind your boyfriend like I did with N'Beam and N'Forth."

I chuckle because Beam appears to be nervous now. "Uh, P'Yo exactly how much did you see before your vision ended?"

Yo looks over his shoulder to see Forth walking towards our little group. Yo hesitates long enough so Forth can hear and playfully gests, "Well, how much did I see of your make-out session with N'Forth? Hmmmm. Who knows?"

Forth's eyes pop wide open and he looks at Beam and then back at Yo. "P'Yo, what are you talking about?"

Yo gives an innocent look of 'who me' and points to Beam. "He wants to know just how much I saw of the two of you in my vision."

Forth gulps hard and Beam is still extremely nervous.

Yo shrugs his shoulders. "Well should I tell you or not?"

Forth and Beam nod their heads yes. I can clearly see that they are afraid to hear Yo's answer.

"If you insist.." Yo seems to enjoy torturing those two. "My vision stops right as you were moving towards the bed, luckily. I don't think I could have handled watching any more of it. It was really hot and steamy up to that point. It was almost like watching a porn video." Yo starts to fan himself and whipping his shirt back and forth in a dramatic fashion. Oh, he is really playing this up.

I notice that Pha has lost his smile but then suddenly he begins to smirks. "Was it as hot as our night when we stayed at the hotel?" Oh, this is getting good. Neither Pha or Yo have talked about what happened at the hotel. I'm curious to know.

Yo's eyes practically bulges out his head. "PHA!!!"

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