Chapter 10

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Merida's Point of View

I can't sleep. I am just laying down on my bed. I can't forget and understand why Hiccup kissed me in the cheek. Maybe he is sad? dealing with emotions? Whatever the reason is, I kinda liked it. I don't know I just liked it, well I didn't like it. I loved it. My heart beated fast and I can't recover up.

What's wrong with my heart? EVERY TIME I am with Hiccup or if I see him my heart beats faster. I never felt this way before. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my window and I can see the sun, its already rising. Argh! Its already morning? So I stayed up all night thinking of Hiccup? Wow. That's something I can't understand. I hummed my fave song. What to do, what to do? I sighed. And guess what? I finally fell asleep but what time? 12:36 pm.

Hiccup's Point of View

I can't sleep. I was wondering why I kissed Merida. But I just felt like it. Huh, I looked at the window and I saw the sun, its already rising. I just tried to sleep and finally, I fell asleep.

"Hic?" Someone said shaking me. I don't wanna open my eyes. I'm still sleepy.

"Hmmm..." I said hugging the pillow next to me.

"Hiccup?" Someone said my name AGAIN. Its a girl, IS know her voice I just don't wanna wake up.

"Hiccup!" She shouted but not that loud. I just covered my ears with my pillow.


"Waaaah!" I was shocked and I fell down on my bed. I fell on my butt, Ouch! Then a girl with blonde hair went beside me. My vision is still kinda blur... wait, okay now its not blur anymore. I saw Astrid.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Did it hurt? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"She apologized. I stood up and fixed my bed.

"Y-yeah I-i'm fine. Why are you here?" I asked her.

"Hello? Its already afternoon and you are still not awake! Remember! We have to train dragons!" She said putting her hand on her waist. Ooh! Right! We have to train our dragons! I looked at my window and wow, its really afternoon. Ugh!

"S-sorry! C'mon lets train them before the sun sets!" I said going down. We are on the first floor when she asked me something.

"Why did you woke up so late? Are you thinking of something?.....or someone?" She said depressed. I looked at her. Woah! Is she crying?

"H-hey! Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I said panicking. I wiped her tears using my thumb and looked at her face. She is really depressed.

Astrid's Point of View

I am crying right now. You know why? Okay, I'm gonna tell you. I walked out when Hiccup was about to ask me right? I was dealing with emotions that day. Then, I am gonna say sorry to Hiccup but Snotlout said that he left and went to DunBorch.

My heart cracked when Hiccup kissed Merida in the cheek. I was spying on them the whole time. They look so happy. I never saw Hiccup smile that long. He is happy with Merida. Is he happy when I am with him?

So that's why I am depressed. I can't beleive that Hiccup kissed Merida. I am KINDA okay if Merida kissed Hiccup but no. Hiccup did. My tears are continuosly falling down on my cheeks when someone wiped it and its Hiccup. He looked at me straight in the eyes. He looks woried.

"Hey, tell it to me. Please?" He said wiping my tears. I wiped my tears and sighed and made a fake smile. He looks worried. SO worried.

"I-Its n-nothing. Let-" I was gonna say something when Hiccup cut me off.

"Nothing? Then why are you crying? Did somebody hurt you?" He said.

He doesn't know that that "Somebody" is him.

"Y-you c-care?" I asked.

"Of course I do! You're my friend!" He said kissing me in the forhead.

"Because y-" I was cut off AGAIN because of Fishlegs.

"There you are guys! Hiccup! Lets go already! The sun is about to set!" Fishlegs exclaimed. I was sad cause I didn't get a chance to tell Hiccup what's wrong. We just went out and train our dragons. Then everyone went home. I looked at Hiccup's house. Does Hiccup like Merida?

Hiccup's Point of View

I was wondering why Astrid cried? Is there something wrong? Here we go again, she is confusing me AGAIN. Ugh. She is acting really weird lately. Huuuh. Good thing, that incident didn't effect me to much. So I slept early.

~Next Day~

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I went down with Toothless and we ate breakfast. We went to the Arena to train our dragons. I saw everyone except Astrid. Where is she?

"Where is Astrid, guys?" I asked them. They looked at me. They look confused.

"I thought she is in your house!" Ruffnut said. What? In my house? Why?

"Why would she be in my house?" I asked her. She shrugged and I raised my eyebrow.

"Lets find her!" Snotlout said running away. We followed him and searched for Astrid. I went to her house but she is not there. I looked and looked and I finally saw her. I found her in the forest and she looks depressed. I wen closer to her. She heard me and she looked at me. I sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't respond.

"Hey" I poked her

"Yuhu! Astrid? Hello!" I said waving my hand in front of her face. She punched my hand. Ow! That hurts SO much.

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my hand. She looked at me.

"Hiccup?" She said

"Y-yeah?" I said

"Do you like Merida?" Then a tear fell down on her cheek.


An exciting and irritating cliff hanger. Why irritating, cause....... Umm..... Meh, I got nothing. Anyway, an another update! Yay! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Oooh! What will Hiccup say?! I hope your VERY excited! Am I right? The next update will be on Saturday or Sunday. Long right? But thats okay so you'll be excited! Hehe.

Anyway, Don't forget to comment and vote!



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