Chapter 23

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Merida's Point of View

I am starting to loose hope. Its been 1 month since I went missing. I feel like nobody is searching for us. I don't cry anymore because I know that won't solve anything. I looked at Hiccup's dad and he looked at me too. I smiled at him, I tried to smile for him and he smiled back.

"I feel like they are not searching for me..." I said looking at the ground. Its true, I think they are happy when I am not with them. Yeah, sure. He is searching for his dad and not me.

"What?" He said.

"They are searching for you, not for me..." I said looking at him, sadness in my eyes. He laughed. Okay, what's so funny about that?

"You make me laugh, Merida." He said still smiling.

"Why?" I said confused.

"Hiccup always thinks about you. If you're okay, if you're in danger, if you're there in Berk. He always search for you, everyday, every second, minute and hour. He never stoped. He doesn't eat 3 times a day because he was thinking of you. You see, I don't see Hiccup that worried. He only worries like that if you're special to him. When Astrid goes missing, he acts like the world is gonna end. And same to you and me and to his friends. Hiccup doesn't want any of this friends or loved ones to be hurt. You see Merida...."

I looked at him and waited for him to continue. Damn, he looks so serious. Does Hiccup really cares for me?

"You are special to Hiccup..."

Hiccup's Point of View

Damn. Its been 1 month since Merida, my dad Stoick and Snotlout went missing. Gosh, damn it! But I will never give up! They are special to me and I can't loose them. No, just no.

Its getting dark so I went down. Yes. I'm alone, searching for them. I don't want my friends to be exhaushted. I went to my house and cooked dinner. Its so quite here. I don't want to live here, I don't want to live here because dad is not here and I feel so alone.

I sat down to my chair and put the plate on the table and started eating. When I was eating, I looked at the chair where Dad sits. Then suddenly, dad appeared.

"Hello son! Goodmorning! I will be buisy today because we are gonna fish. I hope you understand, I'll hang with you tomorrow, okay?"

That made me smile. He said that before he went missing. Then he disapeard. So its just my imagination, huh? I really miss him. All of them.

I sighed and went to my room. I layed down and looked at the ceiling. Maybe I'll take a break tomorrow. I'll search for them but not in the morning, maybe in the afternoon? I am human and I get tired to and plus, I am so stressed and when I saw myslef in the mirror, I look like a man that has 10 kids and he can't sleep because his kids wants him to tell them a story, a long story.

I shook my head. Yeah, maybe I need to relax for a while. I smiled and went to sleep.

~The Next Day~

I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and streched my arms and yawned. Finally, I can take some rest. I smiled at Toothless. I know he is tired too. We went down and I gave him 5 fishes. He desreves it for helping me find them. I cooked my breakfast.

I went out and saw them in the arena and they smiled at me but deep inside I know they are damn freaking tired searching. I gave them a  big big big smile.

"Guys, we are not gonna search for them today..." I said and their jaw dropped. Haha, I knew this will happen.

"B-But what about them Hiccup? They're in danger!" Astrid said. I chuckled.

"I know you guys are tired. So we'll search for them in the afternoon. Sounds good right?" They gave me a big smile and hugged me. I hugged back.

First, we went to the beach and we built sand castles, swam in the beach and ate food. Duh.

After that, we did random stuff like dancing, singing and stuff like that. They are all happy and so am I. We layed down on the field and we looked at the blue sky.

"Thank you, Hiccup..." Astrid said. I looked at her and her eyes were closed.

"Why?" I said.

"Because you let us rest." She said and I just smiled. We just relaxed there and waited.

I opened my eyes and its already afternoon. So we layed here for hours? Woah, okay.

"Its already afternoon guys! Stand up and get ready for searching!" I said smiling at them. They smiled back and went to their houses and I went to my house as well.

When I got inside, I went upstairs and got ready. I gave Toothless 3 fishes. I patted his head and we went down. When went outside, I heard women talking.

"So he is comming back?"

"Yeah. His father said so."

"Finally, Lucas Hathor will come back here in Berk!"

Did I heard right? Lucas Hathor?! My best friend is gonna come back here in Berk?!

I went to the arena and saw them. Should I tell them that Lucas is comming back? No, I shouldn't. Maybe Lucas is gonna surprise us? Yeah, maybe. I smiled at them and we flew away and searched for them.

"We'll find her son. I know we will but be careful, maybe the stupid human who kidnapped Merida, wants something from you and he or she is using Merida to get it from you. He or she knows that Merida is important to you so he thinks that you'll give it to him in exchange for Merida....."

Okay, that was weird. Dad said that to me. Maybe he is right, maybe the kidnapper really wants something from me. Well, I don't have enemies except...

"Could it be?" I said looking down.

"Hiccup, what are you doing?" Astrid said looking at me. I looked at her.

"Astrid, I think I know who kidnapped them..." Astrid's eyes widened.

"What? How did you know? Please explain Hiccup." She said, still looking at me. Okay, so now I'll explain. Phew, here it goes...

"Dad said this to me, MAYBE the kidnapper took Merida because he or she thinks that Merida is special to me and I'll do anything just to get her back, MAYBE he or she is using Merida to get the thing he wants from me in exchange for Merida. Now let me ask you something Astrid, who is my enemy? Who wants something from me? Who wants us to be harmed?" She looks confused. They look confused. Then after several moments, their eyes widened and they all said



Hello guys! Yay, an updated :D


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