Chapter 11

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Astrid's Point of View

"Do you like Merida?" I said then a tear fell down my cheek. I am really depressed. What if he forgets about me? If he likes Merida then he MIGHT live in DunBorch and forget about me. I am really scared. What if he forgets about everyone and me? I love Hiccup. I don't want him to forget me just because he likes someone else. It really hurts a lot.

He looks shocked. He is about to answer when someone spoke.

"There you are Astrid! Gosh we've been looking for you! C'mon now! Hey Hic! Time to train some dragons! Lets go!" Snotlout said. Hiccup stood up. I felt very sad cause Hiccup didn't answer my question. Does he love Merida? If he does I'll be willing to give up on him. That's how much I love him. I am happy if he is happy. I just stood up and followed Hiccup.

We trained dragons. That's it and everyone went home. Hiccup is acting weird, sometimes I look at his eyes then he sweats. What's wrong? Ugh. I need to sleep. Does Hiccup like Merida?

Hiccup's Point of View

Do I like Merida? The answer is "I don't know" I don't really know. Look, let me explain it to you what I feel when I am with Merida and Astrid.

Merida - My heart beats faster when I see her and I wanna look good and look cool when I am with her.

Astrid - Same with Merida's. My heart beats faster when I see her and I wanna look good and look cool when I am with her too.

See? I feel the same when I am with them so I don't know the answer! Argh! I think I am going to have an headache! Its been days that I am confused! I massaged my head and layed down to my bed. I closed my eyes and luckily I fell asleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I saw Toothless looking at me. I greeted him and we ate breakfast. I went to the Arena. I am a little bit nervous! Okay Hiccup, calm down. Nothing is gonna happen just a whole day with Astrid.

I entered the arena and saw everyone. I gulped and went closer to them. I saw Astrid, she is sitting in a corner and holding her axe. I sighed and went closer to her.

"Uhh...H-hi! Watcha doin' o-over there?" I said trying to sound normal. She didn't respond. She just grabbed her axe and I think she wants to cut her arm. I stopped her. Is she crazy? She tried to cut her arm again but I won't let her!

Everyone was panicking. Suddenly, a blood came from my arm, I looked at my arm and I saw a cut. Maybe, because me and Astrid are swaying the axe, maybe my arm got cut because of the axe. It hurts! But I don't care. I looked at Astrid who is speechless and shocked. She looked at me.

"I-I didn't me-" I cut her off and kissed her in the lips.

"Don't cut!" I said. She looks shocked. I just don't want her to cut. That's bad! I am worried!

"Okay?" I asked her.

"Yes..." Then I hugged her. Then she hugged back. I pulled up then I finally saw her smile. Yes! She smiled again. I smiled and we trained dragons. Sometimes, the others tease us like "Ayeee!" or "Hiccsrid baby!" Hiccstrid? That's a cute shipping name and Mericcup too! Haha, I'm glad that everything is fine now and Astrid is happy now.

I went home and ate my dinner. I gave Toothless some fishes and we slept. finally no more questions.

Actually, there is one. Do I like Astrid or Merida?

Merida's Point of View

~Next Day~

I quickly jumped of to bed and headed down to eat breakfast. Guess what? Its my birthday! I'm so happy!  Haha!

"Good Morning birthday princess!"

"Happy birthday Princess! God bless you!"

"Happy birthday your Highness!"

Everyone said as I go down to the stairs. I smiled. ITS MY BIRTHDAY! I hope Hiccup will attend on my Birthday party!

"Good Morning Merida!" My dad said sitting down.

"Thanks dad! Are we gonna throw a party?" I asked

"Well of course!" He answered. I kissed him in the cheek and hugged him. I sat down and ate lunch. Hmm! Steak, egg, bacon and milk for breakfast. Yummy!

"Who do you wanna invite in your birthday party?" My dad spoke while I was eating.

"Hmm...I only have a few friends so, how about Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snoutlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut dad? But my closest friend is Hiccup ya know?" I answered. He smiled and nodded. Yay! My friends are gonna attend to my birthday party! Woohoo!

Hiccup's Point of View

I woke up and rubbed my eyes and went down and ate my breakfast and went to the Arena to train dragons. Good Morning  everyone! Haaa, Finally, I have no problems. We trained dragons. Until dad arrived.

"Good Morning vikings!" Dad greeted us. I smiled.

"Uh Good Morning dad! What brings you here?" I asked him.

"Today is Merida's Birthday, she said that she wants all of you to attend her birthday party!" Everyone is happy except Astrid.

"What?" She said but everybody spoke.




They all fought because of that hot chocolate then everybody rode their dragons and went to DunBorch leaving me, dad and Astrid.

"Dad! Aren't you gonna come?" I said. He chuckled.

"Sorry son but I am bussy. Just say Happy birthday to Merida!" He said walking away. I looked at Astrid. She is sitting on a corner.

"Hey, lets go!" I said poking her. She looked at me.

"You go" She said.

"What?! You're not comming?!" I said.

"Please go with me! Please?" I tried to make puppy eyes. She laughed.

"Haha, okay okay, just stop making those puppy eyes will ya?" She said and I chuckled and we went to DunBorch.

Merida's Point of View

"Happy Birthday Mer!"

"Happy Birthday Merida. Here is my girft. And where is the hot choco- Oh wait, never mind!"

"Hey you don't drink all the hot chocolate! And happy birthday Mer!"

Snotlout and the others argued while I chuckled. They look so funny. Where is Astrid and Hiccup. I waited for the to arrive and they finally arrived.

Astrid's Point of View

We arrived at DunBorch and we saw miss red head. We went closer to her and she hugged and Hiccup hugged back. WHAT?! HOW DARE SHE HUG MY HICCUP?!

"Hiccup! Astrid! You came!" Oh believe me princess, I don't wanna come and see your horrible face!

"Ha ha. Yeah. Whatever!" I said walking away rolling my eyes suddenly, someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and saw Hiccup.

"Say sorry to her!" Hiccup said furiously.


Hi guys! An another update! Sorry for the wrong grammars cause I am a Filipino so I am not that good to English. Anyway, I am really tired of typing. Don't forget to comment and vote!



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