Chapter 7

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Astrid's Point of View

Hiccup kissed me in the cheek and he left. Wow, thats awkward and sweet! I think I am gonna faint! I can't believe he kissed me! In the cheek! Ooh! Huh! I am so lucky! I think he likes me! What do you think? Hmm, Maybe. I still stood there frozen in shock. I recovered when someone poked me. I turned around and saw Hiccup.

"Hey, why are you still here?" He asked me.

"Uhh...Umm..Nothing, I'm going down anyway, so, lets go down together!" I suggested and he nodded. We both went down. He held my hand. Yes. He DID held my hand on our way to the 1st floor. OMG! I am FANGIRLING now! Help me!

"Be careful, its slippery!" He said holding my hands. I am blushing and I stared at him. He looked at me. He looks confused. We looked at each others eyes. His eyes is so dreamy and cool.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" He said. I was still staring at him and didn't even think saying....

"Your dreamy eyes and hot face" He was shocked. So was I! It slipped through my mouth. I covered my mouth.

"E-eh?" Hiccup said scratching his head. I shook my head and punched his arm.

"N-nothing. L-lets g-go shall we?" I said running down. Its true. It is slippery! I slipped and fell on my butt. OW! That really hurts! Oww! I massaged my butt. While Hiccup went down and knelled down to me.

"Are you okay? I told you its slippery!" He said.

"Do you THINK I'm okay after falling of the stairs?!" I asked frustrated. He looks shocked.

"Sorry! I-I d-didn't mean to shout" I said looking down. He chuckled and hugged me. OMG! Why is Hiccup so sweet with me today? AND I'M LOVING IT!

"Haha, its okay its okay. You have problems with your emotions! Hmm!" He hugged me even tighter and all I ever did was blush. He let go of me and held my hand and went outside. I'm still speechless.

"Hey? You okay?" He said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. I'm good. I'll help you train Toothless!" I said smiling widely. I'm smiling ear to ear. He chuckled and lead me to Toothless. He trained Toothless how to defend himself alone, how to swim fast and more. I helped him a bit.

After that, we ate. Me and the gang ate some steak and I cooked it and they loved it. They said its was amazing. I became happier when they said that. We ate and here comes the WORST part. Hiccup said we are going to DunBorch to say sorry to Merida. I just said yes so he won't get upset and all.

Me and Hiccup arrived at DunBorch. We searched for Merida and we saw here doing archery. She ALMOST hit me in the head luckily I dodged. She said she is sorry and I just rolled my eyes. Ugh! I hate her SO much I can punch her right in the face. You're very lucky Merida, I can't punch a princess and nobody can. I said sorry and we went home to Berk. Actually, thats NOT all.

Merida made some hot chocolate for us and he thought Hiccup to do archery AGAIN. I just stood there and watched them. Hiccup and that stupid girl had fun while my blood boiled. I don't like him being with Merida. I don't even want Merida to stay close to him. Yes. I am jealous. I like Hiccup and I had my first kiss with him.

After that, we went back to Berk. We went to my house and I cooked dinner for him. I cooked fishes for us and some rice. He thanked me and we begun to eat.

We are finished eating and Hiccup said he has to go home and I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HE DID!

He kissed me in the cheek and said....

"Thanks my tough Astrid!" He said walking away with Toothless. I still stood there frozen in shock. How many times did I say 'Frozen in shock'? I guess thats the word for today! I blushed deep red and went home. And slept. This day is one of my faves. I dreamed about Hiccup all night. This day is so GOOD.


Yay! An another update! Yay! Anyway, I can't think of anything to put in Chapter 8 so I might not be able to update. AND SLOWER! Sorry! Anyway, thank you for your lovely comments and please comment and vote!

Remember what I said. Just the begining so DON'T loose hope mkay? Its like a patern, Mericcup, Hiccstrid, Mericcup, Hiccstrid. But only 1 winner. Oh c'mon guys! Give me reasons! Maybe you'll change my mind! Give me your BEST reason so you'll ship will win!

Let ze battle begin! It already begun, Is 'ZE' means 'THE'? I am just curious. I think Ze means THE. Sometimes I use it! Anyway, I hope it is so I don't look like and idiot saying ze. XD. Anway, thanks for supporting my story!


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