Chapter 29

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Hiccup's Point of View

I don't know why I kissed her. I was just lost in her eyes and the next thing I knew, I was kissing her. What's wrong with me? I sighed and walked with Merida.

Awkward silence walked with us, none of us dared to look at each other or even start a conversation. I looked at her, she is looking at the moon, I bet she is still shy and she feels awkward. Its not her fault, though.

I saw the gang and the others frowning, I think they didn't see Astrid.

"Hiccup, we looked everywhere! But Astrid is nowhere to be found!" Fishlegs exclaimed. I started to get worried even more, dang. Astrid, where are you?

"Why don't we try to look for her in the skies?" Merida suggested. Everyone looked at her and smiled. She's so smart.

"Great idea, Mer. Now what are we waiting for? Lets go!" I said and we ran to out dragons. Merida rode with me.

We were flying until we saw a blue-ish dragon. Is that Astrid's dragon?

We went closer for a better view, and I was right. It is her.

"Astrid!" I shouted. She looked at me, frowning and she sighed.

"I'm sorry for running away." She said looking at the skies. Her voice sounds so sad.

"I think you should go guys, I'm going to talk to her." I said and they all nodded.

"Mer, please go with them. Thank you." She smiled and nodded. She rode with Fishlegs. I went closer to Astrid.

"Astrid, what's your problem? I'm here to listen." I said and patted her back. She sighed.

"I just want peace. I just want Lucas to move on. I wanna help him move on but I can't, I know I can't." She said tearing up.

I patted her back slowly. Tears were already streaming down her face.

"I know I hurt him, a lot..." Her voice cracked. "But its not my fault I fell for an another man, I know it sounds so sl*tty and all, but its true. At least I'm being honest with myself. I just want things to be the way they were. I wanna see Lucas smile again, the smile her deserves." Astrid closed her eyes and sobbed.

"Was I wrong to love someone else, Hiccup?" She asked me, her eyes full of weakness.

I stayed silent and wiped her tears away. She chuckled but frowned again.

"I guess I'm just worthless. Breaking people's hearts and making their lifes miserable, I-" I cut her off.

"Astrid please don't say those things. You're not worthless." I said. She looked at me. I held her hands. She cried.

"What's my purpose here?! I'm so tired of being judged Hiccup! I hate myself for being such a fool! Its my fault! Its all my fault! Now here I am! I am broken and regretting my feelings for..." She sobbed. She looked away.

"No... just go away. You're wasting your time for someone worthless and stupid." She said and sighed deeply.

I hugged her from the back. I can feel her shaking. I heard a sniffle.

"Thanks for being here for me, Hic." She said and flashed a weak smiled.

"I'm always gonna stay by your side. You're my best friend and you are important to me." I smiled and kissed her for head. She sighed and put her head on my shoulder. I was riding her dragon now, and Toothless is just looking at us.

I looked at her and saw her sleeping. She is so tired. I carried her and we went back to Berk. I went to her house and layed her down to her bed. She is sleeping peacefully, she made me smile and walked out of her house.

Poor Astrid, she's in a war with herself and emotions.

Merida's Point of View

I was walking when I saw Lucas. He is playing his guitar. Wow.

"Uhh, hi there!" He said smiling at me. I smiled and went closer to him.

"You're so good at playing guitar!" I said. He smiled and chuckled.

"Well, thanks." He started playing the guitar, I closed my eyes and listened to the music.

I was enjoying the music until i felt weird. I opened my eyes saw Lucas staring at me. I blushed in embarrassment, gosh this is soo embarrassing.

"You're a princess, aren't you?" He said. I smiled and nodded, still blushing. He bent down in front of me and smiled.

"Good eve princes." He said. I chuckled. He started to played his guitar.

"Do you like music?" He asked me and I nodded with a hum.

"Do you wanna sing this song with me? We'll practice it. Well, if its ok to you?" He said.

"Hahaha, I suck at singing men!" I said. He chuckled and gave me silly look.

"No you dom't. Come on, lets start practicing." He said. I sighed and smiled.

Lucas is a nice guy, I thought he is a bad guy or something. Hehe.


I hope you liked the new update luvs <3

Sorry for the wrong spelling and wrong grammars.

And most of all, sorry for the drama chapter, hehe.c


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