Chapter 9

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Hiccup's Point of View

We are sitting here in a long log. Its still very cold. That bothered me. BUT that's not the one thing that is bothering. Its Astrid. She kept hugging me. I cant move, I cant drink and I cant stand up. Ugh. Why is she being so nice to me? It kinda bothers me now.

"Uhh guys. Aren't we suppose to train dragons and NOT hug each other? I mean c'mon! You guys are like two sheets of paper that is glued!" Snotlout said.

"Psh! Your just jealous cau-" I cut off Astrid. She is being so affectionate its making me sick.

"Snotlouts right Astrid. We have to train dragons and not hug" I said standing up. I can see that she is shocked cause she was like speechless.

"Burn!' I heard Ruffnut whisper to Tuffnut. I feel bad but I did the right thing. I don't like girly girls THAT much. I like boyish girls remember?

We are training dragons now. I noticed something. Astrid didn't trained Stormfly at all. Whats wrong with her? Is she feelig bad or something? I better go check her out. I went closer and spoke to her.

"Hey whats wr-"  I was not done with my sentence when she stood up and walked away with Stormfly. Ugh! What's wrong with her?! Whats her problem?!

"You made Astrid mad" Fishlegs said patting Meatlug. I sighed.

"Since when did she became happy?" I said. They were shocked. I'm tired of Astrid's atittude. I need someone. Merida acts normal. Well Astrid DOES act normal but she is not the old Astrid I once knew. You know hits me everytime when the situation gets awkward and being boyish. I have to go to DunBorch to visit my friend Merida.

"Bye guys! We'll train dragons tomorrow. I'm confused here"I said. They all nodded. They know me. When I speak really serious. They know I'm mad.

I rode Toothless and went to DunBorch. I can feel the fresh air. This is relaxing. Haaaah. I feel so relaxed.

We finally reached DunBorch. Suddenly it snowed harder. Hmmm, I have to find Merida soon so we can go back later before a blizzard hits. I searched trough the forrest where Merida shoots.

Suddenly, I heard a horse. Angus! I turned around and saw Angus and Merida.

"HICCUP!" Merida shouted. I bumped into the horse. Luckily, he didn't stepped on me. Hard to explain but I think you know why he didn't stepped on me.

"Omg! I'm sorry Hiccup. Are ya okay? C'mon, lets get in lass! You know what I told you! NEVER walk in the middle of my road! There ya got hit! Poor you! HUH! Look at yar lip! Its bleeding! C'mon, lets get in the castle and heal your lip!" She said. I stood up and sat down to Angus. I am pretty dizzy. I can see 3 stars!

We arrived at her castle and we went to her room. I layed down to her bed and she wiped the blood out of my lips using tissue.

"Ow! Ow!" I said.

"I'm sorry! Don't worry! This wont take long!" She said biting her lower lip. Awww! She look so cute! She went closer to me and gently wiped the blood out of my lip. I can feel her breath. Akwaaaaard. She is done.

"Done! Now yar okay! Why are ya here anyway?" She said sitting down next to me. I sat down frist before I answered.

"Well, Astrid is being so affectionate. Its making me sick. I like her old atittude. The boyish one. Now she is acting like a girly girl" I said looking at the pillow.

"Girly? Ew! Yuck! Bleh! I hate girly stuff!" When she said that I felt happy. I'm happy to have a friend who is real to herself.

"The way she act is really bothering me. I like the old her. Huh...Why can't she be the real her? I mean why does she need to be nice to me?" I sighed. She chuckled.

"I'm right here ta understand ya!" She hugged me. Yes. She hugged me. I blushed and hugged back. I cant feel the cold air now. Hugging someone is makes your heart beat faster...

"Thanks Mer" I said. She pulled up.

"Wanna eat?" She asked smiling. I smiled and nodded.

"Wait here. I'll cook dinner for you" She was about to leave when I held her hand.

"Uhh Merida, can I borrow the thick carpets again for Toothless?" I asked and she nodded. I smiled and went down with her. Geez. This castle is full of torches. I grabbed a thick carpet and went to Toothless.

"Hey boy. Lets leave later okay? Bye!" I said running back to the castle. Its getting colder. When I got back to the castle. I saw food on the table. Merida is already done cooking? That's fast. Its eggs and bacon anyway.

I sat down then Merida came and sat down next to me. I was wondering why she just cooked for me?

"Why didn't you cooked for yourself?" I asked.

"I already ate" She said smiling. Oh that killer smile. I smiled back. Then, she blushed. She blushed? But why? I raised my eyebrow.

"Why did you blush?" I said. Drinking the water she prepared for me.

"N-nothing!" She looked away and blushed again. Its kinda hard to tell if she is blushing or not becasue of her red hair. But I'm pretty sure she is blushing.

I was done eating. We went to her room and talked and talked. I had fun talking to her. She talks about boyish stuff like archery, battles, deadly weapons (Like Axe, bow and arrows etc.) , And poisonous animals like the scorpions.

I learned so much from her. She is fun to hang out with. Its getting dark and I forgot I haven't fed Toothless yet! I said good bye to Merida and kissed her cheek. Yes I did kiss her cheek. She blushed and I chuckled.

I went to Toothless and we went back to Berk and I fed him. I can tell Toothless is kinda mad at me casue he pouts. I said sorry and he still pouted. So know my dragon is mad at me? Great!

I layed down to my bed and looked at the ceiling. I don't know why but....My heart beated faster when Merida hugged and when I kissed her. Is this normal?


My cousin (@Sharpayii) said that Heart_26 is copying my story AGAIN. Is it true Heart? You told her that you didn't copy my story but she said you copied the plot.

Look. Even though you didn't copy the WHOLE story but you stole the plot that is stealing. The start is like that and so the ending. My cousin was mad and Me too. Not THAT much. But please, I already told you that copying other stories is bad. I know you didn't copy the WHOLE story but you copied the plot so its like copying the story.

I am not looking for a fight but please. Delete that and make your OWN plot


Hiccstrid V.S MericcupWhere stories live. Discover now