Chapter One

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Jumping out from the vivid dream, more like memory, it seemed like my lungs stop working before I started to breathe in air desperately.

When I was able to finally settle down, I just sat there looking at empty space beside me of the bed.

The emptiness was able to settle in too, one that slowly began to go away as years went by, but it was always there to remind me.

We survived, barely, but he didn't. He didn't.

It was a drunk driver, that crashed into us, he died on impact. The car flipped over a few times, Daniel was hit dead on and died on the way to the hospital. They managed to get me out, I was going into labor as well apparently, because the stress my body went into.

They had to perform an emergency c-section on me, before they could fix me up. I had broken my leg and one of my ribs, which was a concern when it came to the baby.

When I woke up in that hospital room, two days later, the doctor had told me exactly what happened before having the nurses bring in my beautiful baby boy.

I was numb to the fact that my husband was dead, it took an seven hours to finally hold my son as I tried shake the numbness out.

When they put his tiny little body into my arms, he was sleeping so peacefully, it broke my heart to realize that Daniel wouldn't be able to be here for us. Little Ezra wouldn't have his daddy and I wouldn't have my husband.

Waterfall of tears just poured right out of me, I was shaking so hard the nurses were scared I'd drop my son.

When I finally was able to calm down and just hold him snug into my arms, he opened his little eyes, I saw Daniel in them. They looked up at me with wonder, they sparkled.

I didn't have any family, my parents died when I younger, in high school. The only family I had was Daniel's and they were there every step of the way. His parents and younger brother.

We grieved, we growed, and we watched Ezra grow up to the six year old he is today. Ezra look like me, but he had his father's eyes and mop of curly hair. He's the sweetest boy, I was gifted to ever raise and I know Daniel would be proud of the both of us.

The funeral was the hardest for me, for all us. Daniel's baby brother, only ten at the time, held onto me as we sobbed relentlessly at his casket. His mother and father held each other from falling apart, as many other people did too. He was a friendly person, always making friends with everyone, even the loners.

I was loner and he brought me out of my shell, only for me to fall hard for him. It only made it sadder for me. I made sure Ezra was taken care of, a baby didn't need to be around such sad people in that moment.

The light shined the window sill of the bedroom, I could clearly see the tall evergreen trees, I sighed in content.

Hearing the light foot falls that tapped on the hardwood floor from the hallway, I quickly ducked under the covers as they stopped in front of my door.

The door opened and closed softly, the footsteps sounded even quieter, I can almost image little Ezra on his tippie toes trying be as quiet as possible. I could tell he was in front of me, as he started tugging on the covers, where I was.

"Momma..." he 'softly' whispers, as he started tapping the spot again. I try to hold in my giggles, as I could feel him trying get up on the bed. It was then, I popped out with an exaggerated roar to kind of scare him, which it didn't.

He giggled out his bell like laugh, as he pointed at me, mostly likely seeing my bird nest of hair. "Momma, messy hair! Messy hair!" A smile tugged at my lips as he was calming his hysterical laughter down.

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