Chapter Six

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The excitement filled my chest with overwhelming joy when she didn't decline Luna's offer of being friends, I knew Luna was going to draw us together with their newfound friendship.

This could be the start of something so amazing that my heart was pounding furiously and my wolf was dancing in my head.

I could care less that my cheeks still burned from being caught staring at her luscious ass.

I was driving us home, the Luna and her friends were chatting in the back talking about Eden, how it would be nice to have a town friend.

I just wanted to drive on faster so Luna can call her and set up a date to hangout, but I drove at the recommended speed because our special cargo.

Of course I would be, the Alpha always trusted me to look after his mate when he was busy too take her out himself.

I wonder if she would mind if I came along with Luna, I hope that doesn't bother her. I still couldn't get that continuous wink that played in a loop in my mind, she is so beautiful.

Not minding to share my happiness, my link was directed to the Luna who hummed in content, giving me smile through the mirror before continuing her conversation with the other ladies.

The drive was short as we pulled up to the pack house, the patrol following us up to the house and going back to their duties, as they smelled my scent through the cracked opened window.

The women all came out of the van, helping the Luna out and taking her to her awaiting mate, who always waited outside the porch for her.

Parking the car near the trees by the dirt driveway, I started making my way to my own home with high spirits as the others said their goodbyes.

The sky illuminated in painted colors that resembled a Bob Ross painting, it was breathtaking. I'm learning that this town did have such amazing views.

Thinking about the dirt driveway that the familiar grey truck we first saw, I wondered how close her home was to our territory and if the Alpha marked our pack around it.

I'll have to check in tomorrow, I want to make sure her and her son were safe close, especially on territory.

I heard from the others that the Alpha was talking to the mayor about what parts they could mark because we only placed a temporary one for safety.

The cold air danced around me as the fresh air of the forest was filling my nose, it was something I liked to enjoy during my walks home or on duty.

This town was a quick place to call home, everyone was slowly thinking the same.

Most towns are weary and hostile towards newcomers, making up atrocious rumors of us, but this town was quick to welcome us and treat us as long lost friends in open arms.

It only made me feel for content that my mate was in this kind of town. When my house came in view, my relaxed stance was quick to turn alerted as the lights were on and the ground soon started to smell of another, as I was walking closer.

Getting passed the door in quietness, the new smells of others will the house as my senses were twitching.

My wolf laid still watching with predatory eyes, waiting for the intruder to appear to strike. 

When a muscular shadow closed in, my arms wrapped around their body as they squirmed to get out, but my hold was to tight on them as I snared.

"Matteo! Honey, you're going to kill your uncle! Let him go!" A familiar feminine voice cried out ahead of me as I snapped my head over to the person.

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