Chapter Two

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You can be king again (song)


The night was daunting as were pulling into unfamiliar territory. The Alpha had purchase new land for our pack since our former was being infested with leaches trying to start a new coven. Another Alpha recommended this land that was being sold a couple towns over from where we were.

We would have stayed and fought for our territory but it was all too risky since we have a higher rate of pregnancies during this time because of the mating moon that was our tradition. Also, the Alpha's Luna was expecting their first pup and we didn't want to risk it.

The Alpha, the Luna, and half the warriors were piled up in the SUV's, heading to the housing communities that we paid to be built for the pack.

Luckily, the mayor of the town was a lone wolf that was willing to hand over the territory for as he was feeling his wolf start to go crazy for the lack of wolves.

They would be joining our pack, which we were content with.

Many of the pack members, and myself, were excited to move for better opportunities as some were still mateless as myself.  I was a twenty eight year old warrior, who had yet to find their mate and it was starting to get to my wolf and myself.

"Matteo, I want you to and the others to survey the homes, to see if there in order." The Alpha called out to me from the seat ahead of me as he held onto his sleep Luna. I nodded my head, along with the other warriors. "Yes, Alpha. Should we unload all the possessions when we get there or in the morning sir?" I said respectfully.

"In the morning, the rest of the pack will be here to join us with their belonging as well, might as well help them too." He said in his gruff tone that indicate the conversation was over.

We were not a big pack to begin with, only eighty three members, but we sure are tough.

The night was long and still ahead of us, but we were closing in on our new found territory, which was surrounded by vasts of trees. We were all in awe as we gazed out the window, I'm pretty sure if the Luna was awake she would start squealing.

The Alpha was looking at us in amusement, but I can tell he was impressed by the forest as well. This is perfect for the pack.

As we got closer, the more my wolf was getting more anxious and was pacing around. It was quite confusing and when I asked what was wrong, he just whispered soon.

I don't know what that meant but I knew it would have an impact on my life in this town for a very long time, whether good or bad.

"Is something wrong, Matteo?" Alpha looked concern as he was assessing me, I guess I was fidgeting along with my wolf with change of atmosphere that his town brought.

Straightening myself out, telling my wolf to calm down, I responded "I'm sorry, Alpha. My wolf has been acting strange since we've been getting closer into town." Looking down from is dominating gaze, I knew would a mistake to stare down.

"Have you asked him what's wrong?" My wolf seemed to pace even more, growling in agitation as we drive behind a grey truck ahead of us.

"Yes, he said soon before going back to pacing. He's even more agitated with the truck ahead of us." I said in confusion as he just smiled from my answer.

"It seems that your mate may be in town, or though it could be of being on new grounds, but we'll just have to see." He just smiled down at the Luna, who just snuggled closer to his side.

Looking away from the intimate scene, I just thought about what was said. My mate may be in town, my mate. I have been waiting for them since I turned eighteen, a wolves age of finding them.

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