Chapter Three

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Constant ringing from beside me pulled me from the well rested slumber from last night. With a groan, I pick up the phone beside me and answer with a sleepy hello.

"Honey, I know it's your day off, but I have to get to my book club, Richard is at work, and little Sam is going to hang out with some friends. As much as I would love to take my grandson with me, I know he'll bored out of his mind. Can you come pick him up?" Jillian's voice rang out softly in my ear and for a second it went all through the other.

Finally understanding what she said, I immediately jumped out of bed with shout before responding back to her. "Oh my god, I overslept! I'm so sorry, I'll go pick him up now, thank you so much!" Jillian's little giggle was all I heard before I hung up and rushed out the door with the keys in hand.

I didn't care that I looked like an absolute mess, I just needed to get my son from his grandparents. Even though I was rushing it over there, I made sure I wasn't breaking any laws and being safe.

I wanted so scream because of all the red lights that appeared on my way over there, but I held them all in so the people beside me didn't think that I was a maniac on the loose.

Upon reaching the house, Ezra was already outside with Jillian, a big smile on his face. All the nerves seemed to wash away when I see that kids face, my kid.

Waving over to him, he rushed to the side of his of the door with a big squeal, "Momma! I missed you. Nana already made me food!" He sat beside me with his bag on the car floor, he again flashed my toothy grin as the mop of blonde curls were in the way of his glowing eyes.

"My, my, my Izzy. Momma's sorry she didn't get you earlier, the sleeping magic kept her in bed." Faking pouting to him, he just giggled as he put his seatbelt.

Looking to Jillian, I gave her a grateful smile for what she's done for me, "Thank you again, Jill. I'm sorry so oversleeping." She just waved me off with a soft smile. "Don't you worry , Eden. I love having him over, he reminds so much of his father." Her glazed over in a soft sadness but she didn't seem upset.

I see Daniel in Ezra all the time, I get what she's feeling, before I could say anything she was back to normal and said goodbye. Not wanting bring back those feelings, I pushed them back and started to drive back home.

The drive was quiet with the exception of Ezra's light humming to the radio tunes that played in the background.

When we stopped at red light, Ezra was trying to bend down from his booster seat, trying get his backpack. Quickly grabbing it for him, I laid it in his lap before the light turned green. He whispered a little thank you.

Taking small glances at Ezra as I drove, he had his hand stuck in his backpack, petting something on the inside. When another red light came, I asked what was he petting as my hand was caressing the top of his curls.

He shyly look to me before taking out a small dark brown roughed up teddy bear from the backpack. "Pa gave it to me, he said it was daddies when he was like me. He told me to take care of it for daddy since he in heaven." He held the bear tight to his chest, his familiar blue eyes glowed brightly at me.

Though, everything was stuck in my throat, clogging all the sadness from ever coming out. I only leaned over to kiss his forehead and whispering to take care of the bear.

I wanted to cry but what good would that be to anyone. HE wouldn't want me to cry, no I sucked it up and took it as a sign of remembrance for Ezra.

When we finally got home, I told Ezra to get ready for a bath soon, I was going to take him to the park. He  screamed in joy before running up the stairs to his bedroom. Shaking my head, I went up the my bedroom and started to run the warm bath for him.

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