Chapter Twenty Three

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Serving the hot plate of pancakes onto the table, the family thanked me, before digging in.

I quickly left going onto my next customer, ready to take the couple that came in, while another waitress came to the group that was flooding in.

Jogging over to the couple, I notice it was tall broad man that was definitely intimidating, with almost tiny woman holding a small bundle in her arms.

They were turned away from me, having their own little conversation, but I had to interrupt to get them a table.

Standing tall and straight with a big smile, like my manager had told all us waitresses to be, I said politely, "Hello, welcome to Owls Night Dinner! My name's Eden, let me seat you to your table."

The couple turned towards me and my grin grew even bigger as I saw who it was, there stood a glowing Alexa who had a mirroring smile on her own face. "Oh my god, Eden! It's been so long, how are you?"

"I'm doing amazing, but I don't think I have to ask you. You're practically glowing from here and is that your baby boy?!" I said as I leaned in a little closer to her to see her son, she gestured the little bundle in her arms, and it was a beautiful sight.

I felt my eyes sting a bit as I grazed at the little innocent boy that laid sleeping peacefully in the blanket, I didn't have to guess who he looked like, as he looked like a replica of the man standing beside her.

"Let me get you seated before I start bawling like a baby. I'm getting flashbacks." We all laughed as I led them through the mass of tables, giving them a private booth, just to make sure that the baby isn't disturbed.

As I sat down the menus onto their table, I hear another jingle of the door bells behind me, "It's lovely to see you again. I don't think I've met your husband, but I will be back for an introduction. This ladies got tables to wait." I playfully say as they laugh at me pitiful joke.

"The name's Steve, but we'll be seeing each other soon." He said knowingly and by the look in his eyes, it told me for something completely different.

I have time to ask as I rushed over to the roady teens that were asking to be waited.


The day was exhausting, the pouring of customers finally slowed down, as I looked to the clock while wiping down the counters.

By the colorful sky, my shift was already to an end and I couldn't wait to get home and sleep off into the night, but I have dinner to prepare for my little one.

Taking off my apron and letting my hair down, as it cascaded down my back, I went to the break room to get my things.

Shoving my dirty apron into my backpack, I was quick to leave, but i couldn't make to the door as my manager called out my name.

She stood beside her door with one hand on her hip, "Eden, I need to speak to you before you leave." And with the look on her face, I knew it wasn't going to be good news.

Walking over to her as she led me into her office, she motioned me to take a seat, which I did uneasily.

She sat at her desk with a apologetic look on her face, "Eden, since the newcomers have come into town, they have been asking for jobs, of course. The teen really like the restaurant to work in, and we've been giving them jobs. However, that means I have to cut back some people. I hate to do this to you, since you're one of the bests here, but I can either give you very less hours or you can quit. I'm so sorry to do this to you, kid."

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