Chapter Nineteen

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My heart thundered underneath the flesh of my chest, my excitement growing as I drove closer to her home.

My wolf yipping and wagging his tail like a happy puppy within my mind, without a doubt showing how equally excited he was.

I found the courage today to ask for a day with them and I would never regret my decision, my wolf was pushing me all morning to do it and I thanked him constantly.

The two boxes pizza, pepperoni and a combo, sat carefully beside me in the passenger seat. I didn't know what else to get and I can only hope that they enjoy it.

As I finally drove up the dirt road on her driveway, I tried to breathe normally so I wouldn't seem like a complete mess. I bet she's as calm as ever waiting for me or maybe she's not even worried.

Groaning at the thoughts in my head, I picked up the pizzas from the seat and parked by her own truck. With one hand, I combed my hair back and tried straightening out my clothes to look presentable as I was about knock on the door.

However, after my knuckles racked the door the first time and about to go for an another, the door swung open aggressively.

Taking a few steps back at the force, the door was opened by an excited looking Ezra, who launched himself at me with a high pitched squeal.

Making sure I stood my ground strongly so we would fall back and also mess up the pizza, I grabbed onto him carefully.

Chuckling at the fact that he was rubbing his face against my pant leg, it warmed both of our hearts to see him so lovable.

"Hey bud, how's it going? I brought pizza!" I exaggerated my voice to make him look up, which he did, looking at the pizza boxes in my hand in awe.

"Come on, Matty! Let's go in the living room!" He shouted in happiness, taking my empty hand and dragging me into his house.

When we got to the living room, I set down the boxes onto the coffee table, before trying to sense my mate our the house.

She was here, her magnificent scent still fresh around the house, but where is she?

Before I could sense anything else, Ezra pushed my legs back into the couch to sit, though I'm sure I can topple over. Stumbling into the seat, he only jumps beside me, babbling about excited and happy is to see me.

"I didn't think you were coming to finish movie, now we can watch it together! I bet Loki will like it too cause his name is Loki!" he burst out in a fit of giggles laughing at his own joke of naming his pup after a character, which made me chuckle along with him.

"I couldn't miss this day, I did promise you to finish it. Though, I think Loki would fall asleep, lazy little puppy he is." I whisper loudly as said puppy was staring at the both of us from the doorway in confusion, we both giggled.

Though I try to take in everything he's rapidly saying with his exaggerated hand gestures, it's kind of hard.

I felt something pawing at my pant leg, making me look over at the floor, only seeing the cute growing pup tugging on my pants with his mouth.

Gently picking him up in my hand, I just lay him on my lap, where it just scratches at my leg like it's digging a hole. Petting it's little soft head while continuing to listen to whatever Ezra was saying to me.

"Ezra why didn't you tell me that Matteo was here?" Her soft surprised voice echoed from behind me, making me turn her way seeing her red hue blossom from her cheeks.

Her soft brown hair was wet, cascading down her back, her beautiful face bare of anything but beauty, she was dressed in a pair of baggy sweats and a loose light blue shirt.

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